Quality of Education System Silesian University of Technology, Faculty of Transport
Introduction The main objective of the System is to provide the highest level of education students by: creative planning of the educational process, proper realization of the educational process, including the development of the database, ensuring a high level of competence, the sustainable development of skills pedagogical and academic knowledge, continuous monitoring and analysis of the quality of education, making improvement activities increasing importance of teaching, including using an objective and effective motivation system.
Introduction The system applies to all forms and types of studies, it’s real, active and continuously improved. The system is presented in the quality book, and in the documents associated with it. Adherence to procedures developed aims to provide a repeatable and uniform conditions for providing an adequate education, through the implementation of ambitious and modern training programs, ensure a proper direction for the learning outcomes.
Comparison of requirements of standard University Quality Education System Polish Accreditation Committee Faculty quality system
University system The university system is in the top and is the same for all departments. The university system includes general procedures relating to: - Documents management , Audits, Improvement actions, - Responsibilities of teachers, - Hospitations , - Ethics.
Education process map Improvements process Internal Audit System review Improvemen t actions monitoring effects of education Supervisory-control process Document management Hospitations The questionnaire Supervision of legal regulations Main Process Administrative support Recruiting REQUIREMENTS OF STAKEHOLDERS (STUDENT, EMPLOYERS) REQUIREMENTS IMPLEMENTATION OF STAKEHOLDERS (GRADUATES, EMPLOYERS) Education Process Planning, organizing and teaching evaluation of education effects Development of training programs supervision of student practices Diplom process scholarships scientific clubs Library Personel Infrastructure Equipment Supporting processes
Department system The University System includes general principles and key considerations and guidelines for creating the quality of education, which can be reduced to answering the question: what should be done in units of ensuring the quality of education? Actual ensure the quality of education is carried out in basic units and inter-system and therefore answers the question: what and how it is exercised within the framework of this system? The activities and projects in this field are to be properly planned and their implementation monitored. The assumption has to be simple, transparent and effective, ultimately relating to all forms and types of studies, so as not to generate unnecessary documents and teaching staff did not provide too many additional responsibilities.
Department system The department system is detailed and provides specific guidance on: Diploma process - as do the thesis, the scope, where and when to apply, what documents must be returned, exam requirements, deadlines, Student practice - dates, scope, documents communication with the dean - documents, dates
Practical notes All educational activities are planned - the lack of randomness Every year the quality system is verified – eg. internal audits (Dean), external audits (Rector), management review (Dean shall review the organization’s quality system, at planned intervals, to ensure its continuing suitability, adequacy and effectiveness).
Practical notes To improve the quality of university uses the following forms of cooperation with external stakeholders: Monitor the careers of graduates, Cooperate with employers and trade industry (opinions regarding the level of education graduates) Questionnaires to graduates in the field of program studies and education quality.
Control of documents All documents in quality system shall be controlled. Records are a special type of document and shall be controlled according to the requirements given in internal procedure. The procedure determines the elements: To ensure that documents remain legible and readily identifiable. To ensure that relevant versions of applicable documents are available at points of use.
Example - The questionnaire Every teacher in the quality system is evaluated by students using questionnaire. Sample questions - Does the teacher: Begin classes on time? Is prepared for lessons? Is kind and considerate? Inspires to think for themselves? Transmit knowledge in an understandable and interesting?
Example - Responsibilities of teachers Each teacher has specific responsibilities: development of training content of lesson, the timely development and release of teaching materials for students, Scheduling and principles of teaching, a method of controlling the students knowledge any irregularities should be reported to supervisor in accordance with the procedure
Example - hospitation Each teacher is subject to observing them (at least once every two years ( the doctor ), 4 years ( professor ) . Observation of is to verify the learning process. Sample questions : Are classes held in a timely manner ? Is the place of classes was consistent with the plan? Is the theme of the course was consistent with the plan?