1 point perspective cityscape Mrs. Hendricks Green Leadership and World Languages Magnet Elementary Grade 5 Art
What is perspective drawing Drawing something that looks 3D on a flat surface
Vocabulary Horizon line-a horizontal line that separates the earth from the sky Vanishing point-A point on the horizon line where lines meet. Converging lines-lines that meet at the vanishing point Parallel lines-Two lines on a plane that never meet. They are always the same distance apart. Perpendicular lines- Lines that are at right angles (90°) to each other. Cityscape- a picture of a city
Step 1 Begin by drawing a horizon line and a vanishing point
Step 2 Use your ruler to draw a line connecting the vanishing point to the corners of the paper (these are the converging lines)
Step 3 Draw trees in between the two converging lines on the left
Step 4 Draw buildings in between the two converging lines on the right Begin by drawing two parallel vertical lines
Step 4 continued Then draw two horizontal parallel lines Erase the part of the horizon line that goes through your building
Step 5 Add details to your building
Repeat the steps to add more buildings
Step 6 Outline everything with Sharpie
Step 7 Cut away the negative space
Step 8 Glue to blue or orange paper and draw cocentric circles with warm or cool colors