UCAS-MIAP Pilot: Keele University Kylie Cross Widening Participation Manager
Why Keele is participating in the pilot Involved in the HEAR pilot Synergies with school liaison work Current focus on widening participation evaluation strategies National demand for this sort of focus from outreach practitioner community.
The Keele Pilot- Stage One Exploring Data sharing issues Exploration with a sample of school and college partnership members of sharing ULNs in relation to pre-application/outreach engagement – to identify guidance and good practice protocols in developing agreements, data protection/data protocols and learner involvement records. Production of a report entitled “Sharing ULNs between educational establishments: guidance and good practice guide”
The Keele Pilot- Stage 2 Tracking learners for longitudinal analysis Exploration of the potential tracking of learners engaged in outreach activities and longitudinal analysis that existing data contained in the PLR could provide and ultimately potential suggestion of additional reports/data This will include exploring what can and cannot be done with the data within data governance guidelines. Resulting in the production of a report entitled “tracking of learners engaged in outreach activities: The potential of the ULN and PLR”
The Keele Pilot- Stage 3 The ULN and retention issues Potential of data to identify 'at risk' students for linking pastoral care and retention interventions across partner organisations. This will include an exploration of links to withdrawn/drop-out students and how the PLR can support in the data analysis of these cohorts and therefore the value it may provide to retention interventions. Resulting in a report entitled “The uses of ULN and PLR in contributing to retention and progression issues”
The Keele Pilot- Stage 4 The ULN pilot and the Hear pilot As an active institution in this pilot we are ideally placed to explore this issue. This stage will include exploring links to HEAR pilot including how the HEAR could be included in the PLR and ensuring ULN information is already included in the HEAR report process for the institution to facilitate this. Resulting in a short paper summarising findings
Visions for the pilot This project package will significantly enhance the required tracking evaluation work of the institution, creating more robust impact analysis ultimately leading the quality enhancement in the university’s programmes in this area. It will significantly impact on the university student cohort profile, the retention and progression rates and ultimate outcomes of learners. Due to the national interest in ULN amongst practitioners and the interest shown in this project it also has the potential to significantly impact the work in widening participation nationally by answering some of the questions which exist in relation to the use of ULNs for this purpose.
Another Institutional Perspective Helen Reed - Head of Admissions and Data Services at Cambridge
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