Evaluation of databases on software projects A. Misev, V. Ajanovski Institute of Informatics Faculty of Nat. Science and Mathematics Skopje, Macedonia
International Software Benchmarking Standards Group http://www.isbsg.org.au/ Grows, maintains and exploits two repositories of software project metrics: Software Development and Enhancement Software Maintenance and Support ISBSG provides products and services to allow software developers to: benchmark themselves against the world's best, more accurately estimate effort, time and cost, lower development risk, reduce "time to market", increase productivity, and build an experience database of their organisation's productivity The ISBSG offers its data and materials to educational institutions, researchers and research students free of charge, subject to receipt and approval of a completed application Commercial products ISBSG Estimating, Benchmarking and Research Suite (v. 8) – including data on over 2000 projects
MIT Project Management Resources & Exploration http://web.mit.edu/pm/ A starting point to explore the field of project management and to encourage the use of project management methodology at the MIT. Main topics Tips for Getting Projects Started Project Management at MIT Information Systems Project Business Models Project Management Tools Professional Organizations Reading About Project Management Some Interesting Project Management-Related Web Sites It is suppose to have a projects database, but the link is not valid (http://web.mit.edu/is/work/)
4pm.com Project Management Training and Consulting http://www.4pm.com/ Maintains comprehensive project management knowledge base Links for Project Management Resources Distant learning courses for project management Certifications for project management
PMFORUM® http://www.pmforum.org/ Not for profit web site Instant access to to world-wide project management information Maintains Global Directory of Professional Project Management Organizations Project Management Services
Estimating and Tracking Software Projects http://www.kellen.net/Estimating and Tracking Software Projects.htm An extensive article on how to build a software project database Includes samples for 14 projects Vince Kellen
QSM http://www.qsm.com/ Products and services for project management Estimation, tracking and control and metrics analysis Maintains commercial database of validated metrics collected from over 6300 completed software projects.
Datamax http://www.datamax-france.com/ eXperience Software Benchmarking Benchmarking done using The Experience database currently containing data from over 500 business software applications in the Banking, Insurance, Telecommunications, Manufacturing, Retail and Public Administration sectors
DACS http://www.dacs.dtic.mil The DACS is the U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) Information Analysis Center (IAC) The DACS serves as an authoritative source for state-of-the-art software information providing technical support for the software community Central distribution hub for software technology information sources, offering a variety of services for support of the the development, testing, validation, and transitioning of Software Engineering technology DSC Library - Defense Software Collaborators Library Library of useful documents, links, references etc categorized in topics on software engineering Each topic includes relevant lists of materials such as: conferences, experts, courses, web links, software tools and standards
Software Engineering Information Repository http://seir.sei.cmu.edu/ The purpose of the SEIR is to provide a forum for the contribution and exchange of information concerning software engineering improvement activities. Registered members of the SEIR can exchange questions or tips and contribute experiences or examples to assist each other with their implementation efforts. In the process of contributing this information, SEIR members are building a knowledge base in this repository for their future use. The SEIR is a community based free-registration Web site. All individuals interested in software engineering improvement activities are welcome to participate in the SEIR. The types of software engineering improvement information to exchange (but not limited to) are: Real world or theoretical implementations of improvement processes, policies, procedures or how-to examples and the experience or lessons learned when implementing them. This will be added to the implementation knowledge base for assistance in improving implementation efforts. Improvement benefits, case study/success or failure stories and return on investment information. This is added to the benefits and case study knowledge base for assistance in organization sponsorship of software engineering improvement efforts.
Nasa Software Engineering Laboratory Database The Software Engineering Laboratory Database (SELD) was established to support the research in measurement and evaluation of the software development process. Under its sponsorship, numerous experiments have been designed and executed to study the effects in flight dynamics applications. The Software Engineering Laboratory (SEL) is sponsored by the NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center (NASA/GSFC) One of the major functions of the SEL is the collection of detailed software engineering data, describing all facets of the development process, and the archival of this data for future use. To this end, the SEL has created and maintained an online database for the storage and retrieval of software engineering data. The SEL supports this process with an extensive data collection program on software. The SEL is jointly operated by: Software engineering branch at NASA/GSFC Department of computer science at the university of maryland Computer sciences corporation Some of the NASA/SEL data is available on this website for interactive analysis. Project statistics scatterplots. Project statistics histograms. Component statistics scatterplots Component statistics histograms
The Software Reliability Dataset The Software Reliability Dataset was compiled by John Musa of Bell Telephone Laboratories. He collected failure interval data to assist software managers and software researchers. The dataset consists of software failure data on 16 projects. The data was collected throughout the mid 1970s. It represents projects from a variety of applications including real time command and control, word processing, commercial, and military applications. The DACS distributes this dataset on a floppy disk. For each software failure in the dataset, the following items are recorded: Project Identification (System Code) Failure Number Failure Interval - The time (give in wall-clock seconds) elapsed from the previous failure to the current failure Day of Failure
SourceForge.Net http://sourceforge.net SourceForge.net Services world's largest Open Source software development website (hosts nearly 70000 open source projects) largest repository of Open Source code and applications available on the Internet Free services to Open Source developers Services Merant(r) PVCS Version Manager Integration webDAV, LDAP support Issue tracking Build system integration Gated communities for secure partner access Project management and real-time tracking
Conclusion Databases of software projects are hard to find most of them are private owned and data is not available for viewing, download or buying Many sites offer knowledge bases, libraries and repositories of materials in the area of software engineering and project management Open-source software projects Fully documented on the web, but no standardized data can be acquired An effort to organize such projects can be viewed in the example of SourceForge.net (http://sourceforge.net)
Conclusion (2) Most important web sites: International Software Benchmarking Standards Group (http://www.isbsg.org.au) QSM (http://www.qsm.com) Nasa Software Engineering Laboratory Database ( Other repositories of interest DACS (http://www.dacs.dtic.mil) SourceForge.net (http://sourceforge.net)