AVICENNA Virtual Campus In IRAQ (in Science and Technology) 2003 –2015 E-learning and Teacher Training Enhancing Teacher Quality and Learning in Higher, Secondary and Primary levels By Prof.Dr.Kaiser Mahdy Erbil Feb –2015 1
November 2002 to December 2006 MILOUDI UNESCO/SC/PSD 2009
The cost per student and per year is only 19€ Main achievements (31/12/2006) 14 Avicenna centres in the following countries: Algeria, Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine, Syria, Turkey, Cyprus, Italy, France, Spain and Malta; 140 416 students enrolled The cost per student and per year is only 19€ 1000 teachers/ tutors trained 206 online modules (20 hours) produced Avicenna Virtual Library shared by the partners 80 seminars organised 6 films produced 1500 blind students use via Internet the adapted online courses in 2007 (e-learning for blind students) 3
206 140 421 981 84 132% 12 times 108% 200% Algeria Egypt Spain France Online modules Total students enrolled Total of teachers and tutors trained Total number of seminars Films produced Algeria 19 40 000 100 7 Egypt 18 15 000 145 6 1 Spain 10 1 800 12 2 France 200 14 Italy 2 240 16 Jordan 2 408 80 Lebanon 17 000 5 Malta 320 Morocco 720 22 Palestine 24 23 325 167 8 Syria 17 2 400 70 Tunisia 31 315 298 Turkey 3 613 Cyprus 4 Total 206 140 421 981 84 Contractual Basis 156 12 000 910 42 % Rate of achievement 132% 12 times 108% 200% 4
The Five Pillars of the Avicenna Virtual Campus P1 – ORGANISATION of the Network P 2 – NETWORK AND TECHNOLOGY INFRASTRUTURE P 3 – EDUCATIONAL MODEL P 4 – LEGAL (Author's right & intellectual property) P 5 – QUALITY ASSURANCE CONTROL SYSTEM 6
Extensions of Avicenna Virtual Campus Network Developing countries have expressed to UNESCO their interest in the implementation of the Avicenna concept for the development of the capacity building and improvement of quality education Now we have launched some extensions in the following countries and regions : * EGYPT, SYRIA, IRAQ and Palestine * AFRICA (All the African countries) (UNESCO science in Africa initiative) * Caucasus 4 countries (negotiation) 8
Science & Technology Education African Virtual Campus to be used for sharing: on-line science education material large scale teacher training activities within TTISSA and TVET programmes. Main achievements (30/05/2009) 4 e-learning centres implemented in West Africa (Benin, Ivory Cost, Cape Verde and Senegal) 120 Teacher trained on the engineering online production The Process of online courses production is now operational January 2010: Teacher training workshop planned in Gambia for university teachers from Nigeria, Ghana, Liberia, Togo and Sierra Leone. 9
Launched on august 2009 PHASE 0 PHASE I PHASE II PHASE III - 21 Avicenna centers 6 300 teachers to be trained Production of 1 900 modules Network will be used by 150 000 students Miloudi UNESCO/SC/AP 2005
ACTIVITIES - Evaluation of the global system WP 1 – Development Strategy and Policy - Strategy and policy - Development management method of the network - Organisation of the network WP 2 - Network and Technology Infrastructure WP 3 – Human Resources Development - Training of Directors, Experts, Teacher Producer and Tutors in each center WP 4 - Organisation of the production & e-learning environment - Concept of e-Learning courses and organisation WP 5- Online Courses Production Process & Training - Production of online Courses WP 6 – Quality control WP 7 - AVC Virtual Library WP 8 - Network Validation - Teacher / student Training with online courses - Evaluation of the global system WP 9 - Dissemination and Conferences WP 10 - Project management 12
Avicenna Knowledge Centre (AKC) INTERNET Class Room Self Service Production Room Technical Room Avicenna Knowledge Centre (AKC) or E-Learning Centre Administration & Information Meeting Room & Library Activities Provide training sessions to the teachers on the engineering production of the online courses. Provide training sessions for tutors and technical support and information for students; Manage and Maintain the Virtual Library; Develop relationships between the e-Learning centres of the regional network and also the centre is in charge for the development of the national virtual campus network. Develop scientific groups through the network Organise national seminars and dissemination activities Provide support for the handicapped students (Blind and Deaf students) E-Learning Centre Staff Director Educational Expert Technical Expert Technician Secretary MILOUDI UNESCO/SC/PSD 2007 13
Production process and Assurance Quality Control System (AQUAS) Quality-label request Scientific Council Control Committee (UNESCO) Approval production Modules selection Agreement of production Technical & Pedagogical module Validation Modules proposals Agreement of production request Quality-label request Modules with Quality -Label Avicenna Modules Technical & Pedagogical Assistance AVICENNA VIRTUAL LIBRARY Modules Proposal Modules Production Local Universities 14
THANK YOU For YOUR ATTENTION Sciences Sector (PSD – Paris) UNESCO Sciences Sector (PSD – Paris) AVC SUH ERBIL Prof.Dr.Kaiser Mahdy kaisermahdy@yahoo.com Mobile : +964 750 436 0752 19