Developing e-learning in the Transcaucasus region ARMAZEG Developing e-learning in the Transcaucasus region
MISSION ARMAZEG wants to stimulate educational reform in Armenian and Georgian universities by implementing e-learning with special attention to developing lifelong learning methodologies.
OBJECTIVES The development of strategic and operational university documents on lifelong learning; The establishment of Centers for lifelong learning with trained staff in administrative/organizational, pedagogical and technological aspects of e-learning learning; Capacity building and workshops to prepare higher education and society for lifelong learning; The development of a quality assurance plan and the set-up of pilot projects on the implementation of lifelong learning.
ACTIVITIES 1. Assess the current situation of e-learning in the region; 2. Develop a vision and implementation strategy; 3. Establish e-learning centers in the participating Armenian and Georgian institutions; 4. Train teaching staff in the field of e-learning; 5. Set-up pilot projects.
OUTCOMES Shared vision on e-learning and lifelong learning E-learning centers in 7 universities of Armenia and Georgia Online courses in different disciplines Teacher training Training material Quality assurance framework for e-courses
PARTNERS 1. Katholieke Universiteit Leuven (Belgium) 2. Universita degli Studi di Firenze (Italy) 3.Universidad de Granada (Spain) 4.European Distance and E-Learning Network (United Kingdom) 5. State Engineering University of Armenia (Armenia) 6. State Committee of Science of the Ministry of Education and Science of RA (Armenia) 7. Institute of Informatics & Automation Problems of NAS RA (Armenia) 8. L. Orbeli Institute of Physiology of NAS RA (Armenia) 9. Armenian State Pedagogical University after Kh. Abovian(Armenia) 10. St. Andrew the First-Called Georgian University (Georgia) 11. Georgian Technical University (Georgia) 12. Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University (Georgia)
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