NESF Key issues and insights that emerged from the parallel working group “National Coordination Group” December 8, 2016
List of Presentations No Presentation topic Name of presenter Organization 1 The RED &FS platform and its contribution to reinforce coordination in the area of resilience Ato Dejene Abesha RED&FS Secretariat 2 Contributions and challenges to strengthen coordination mechanism for resilience. The perspective from DRM-ATF,DRM ATF SAG Ato Tamirat Tsegaye Adrian Cullis NDRMC Tufts University 3 14 years of experience of PSNP coordinating food security Fatima Naqvi DCT/World Bank 4 The IGAD DRSLP- resilience approach and Ethiopian CPP Edmealem Shitaye IGAD 5 Lesson from past responses to strengthen coordination mechanism for resilience building. The perspective from NDRM TWG and UN OCHA Ato Tadesse Paul Handley OCHA
About the presentations Each presenter/discussant outlined the background, genesis of the issues addressed in the presentation and development objectives Its alignment with the international conventions, government policies, strategies and plan of actions Success stories The need to have a coordinated and harmonized actions to avoid duplications The need to have mapping/reporting the 3Ws Generally there was a heated discussion answers and explanation for questions raised during the session.
Key issues, challenges, overlaps and recommendations Harmonization Requires time Needs to extend across many sectors Variable levels of commitment Mutual accountability Absence of required PFs at sub national levels (such as RED &FS) and Issues of addressing decentralized process Planning and implementation of less prioritized interventions and less affected areas as well as poor targeting of beneficiaries. Inconsistency and/or reluctance to provide information particularly on fund allocation and utilization of the member agencies is a gap of coordination.
Key issues, challenges…… Little or no accountability to the affected population (AAP) Lack of Common Framework Insufficient joint work, capacity and lack of clear roles and responsibilities Lack of Trust and communication DP fragmentation: DP programs maintain their line of action rather than collaborating with Governments and other programs
Key issues, challenges…… No strong linkage among various flagship programs (SLMP/PSNP/DRSLP) Absence of required platforms at sub national levels (such as RED &FS) Absence of KM Strategy and knowledge sharing practices No strong feed back/reporting mechanism on the progress of various platforms Don’t have one strategy / document on resilience Lack of common analysis and planning
Key issues, challenges…… Recommendations Aligning with Government’s policies, strategies and programes Use existing country level mechanisms for establishing platforms Enhance Inclusiveness (NGOs, private sector) Promote Effective leadership: WHO will be the lead? Knowledge Management: Document and share ATF experiences on response and recovery
Key issues, challenges…… Recommendations Establish/strengthen required platforms at all levels (TCs &TFs) Design & undertake a harmonized and regular joint planning & implementation support/ supervision mission and reporting mechanism Establish strong KM system and feed back mechanisms among stakeholders engaged on drought resilience building initiatives and across major programs PSNP and HRD should sit together and learn lessons from each other (targeting gap) Reinforce the mapping or reporting of WHO WHAT WHERE?
End Note
Plenary discussion How to improve coordination of resilience Ministries offices sit together and integrate DRM in their plan – Where should DRM-ATF sit? Develop common strategic plan with contingency measures for DRM Have clear roles and responsibilities (and power) who does what where? Who should lead should be clearly defined and decide.
Thank you