A New Red Scare, Pumpkin Papers, and a New Round of Witch Trials: America Fights Communism on the Home Front
RED SCARE! (Again…) As Cold War tensions increased after WWII, Americans became increasingly afraid of Communism in the United States. To deal with this, the U.S. creates: The Loyalty Review Program: To screen gov’t employees for Communist ties The HOUSE UN-AMERICAN ACTIVITIES COMMITTEE (HUAC) to investigate Communism. Hollywood actors were asked to testify before HUAC. If they wouldn’t help, they were BLACKLISTED. (Ex. The “Hollywood Ten”) J. EDGAR HOOVER sends the FBI to investigate groups suspected of Communism
The Pumpkin Papers People get even more freaked out when there is evidence of Communism on the home front. 1948 – A magazine editor named WHITTAKER CHAMBERS accuses high-ranking gov’t official ALGER HISS of being a Communist and a spy. When Hiss denies it, Chambers produces secret documents from the State Dept. that incriminated Hiss. (Chambers said he had kept the documents in a hollow pumpkin).
The Rosenbergs Things get worse in 1950 when ETHEL and JULIUS ROSENBERG were accused of sending information about the atomic bomb to the U.S.S.R. They were executed for ESPIONAGE in 1953. A Soviet code-breaking project known as PROJECT VENONA suggests that the Rosenbergs were guilty as charged.
McCARTHYISM In 1950, a U.S. Senator from Wisconsin named JOSEPH McCARTHY gives a speech saying that he has a list of 205 known Communists in the STATE DEPARTMENT. McCARTHY continues to make allegations, but he never shows evidence or produces a list.
In 1952, McCarthy becomes head of the Senate Subcommittee on Investigations. He forces government officials to testify about Communism. McCarthy’s scare tactics and baseless accusations become little more than a “witch hunt.” His tactics become known as McCARTHYISM. In 1954, he goes too far. He begins to accuse members of the U.S. Army of Communism. People see finally see through his tactics, and he is CENSURED.
Fear the Bomb… By 1953, the U.S.S.R. (and later the U.S.) had a HYDROGEN BOMB. Children in schools were taught to get under their desk in the event of a nuclear disaster (like that would help…) Families build FALLOUT SHELTERS to protect themselves from nuclear radiation.
Election of 1952 Truman decides not to run again in 1952. The Democrats run Adlai Stevenson – he gets stomped by the Republican, Dwight D. Eisenhower. Eisenhower is not afraid to use nuclear weapons. He reduces military spending, but he increases the U.S.’s # of nukes. This policy of containment through the use of nuclear weapons is known as MASSIVE RETALIATION
Ike, who many people Liked
Sputnik On October 4, 1957, the Soviet Union launches the first artificial satellite. The U.S. becomes scared that the Soviets are producing technology much more rapidly. Because of this, Congress creates the NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION (NASA) and the NATIONAL DEFENSE EDUCATION ACT (NDEA)
BRINKSMANSHIP Despite critics, Eisenhower and his Sec. of State John Foster Dulles, defend their increase in nuclear weapons. This idea – being ready to go to the brink of war to force your enemy to back down – becomes known as BRINKSMANSHIP.
Trouble with China Eisenhower ends the war in Korea by suggesting to China that nuclear weapons might get used. Little territory is exchanged and there is no winner declared Later, China attempts to take the island of TAIWAN, Eisenhower threatens to use nuclear weapons again.
TROUBLE IN THE SUEZ Eisenhower threatens nuclear action again when EGYPT seizes control of the Suez Canal. When the British and French respond with force, the Soviets vow to help Egypt. The U.S. convinces GB and France to back down, but it helps increase Soviet influence in the Middle East
The CIA Eisenhower uses the CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY (CIA) to provide DEVELOPING NATIONS with financial aid and put pro-American leaders in power.
Francis Gary Powers and the U-2 incident By 1953, Nikita Khrushchev had become the leader of the Soviet Union. This does not help U.S.-Soviet relations. Eisenhower and Khrushchev try to patch things up at a summit in 1960, but right before it happened, spy plane pilot FRANCIS GARY POWERS got shot down over the U.S.S.R. Eisenhower refused to apologize for spying, and Khrushchev stopped the summit.