Our Ideal School: The New York Institute of Art By Matthew Brown, Jessica Brushwein, Samantha Beane, and Jason Allshouse
Our Location Upstate New York, a quick car ride from New York City.
Our Mission Statement The New York Institute of Art is a private boarding school for students who have a serious interest in the arts and have a desire to pursue a career in the arts. We are an institution that is committed to quality education and only employ the most talented and educated professors the country has to offer. In order to maintain our commitment to the arts, we are a very selective school and make sure that our enrollment is capped at one thousand students. We were originally founded by an eccentric artist by the name of Art Vandelay in 1950.
What We Offer: Music (instrumental and vocal) Dance Theater Painting Sculpture Graphic Design
Our Purpose: To help students find well paying job opportunities. To help students harness their artistic talents and passions. Get our students into the elite colleges of art, if that is a path they want to follow. Community improvement. (statues, paintings, etc. found around the city)
How We Achieve our Purpose: A staff composed of enthusiastic and well trained professors. Innumerable amounts of resources and supplies. A first-rate President and excellent Board of Trustees.
Who Pays: Donations Student Fundraising Private Projects (done by students) Parents (tuition $30,000) The art community Proceeds of productions put on by the school (plays, musicals, concerts, art shows, etc.)
Who Makes The Decisions: Student Representatives (student school board) Teachers and Administrators The Board of Trustees Parents The city The art community
Thank you for giving us your time so that we could talk about our school. We hope that you enjoyed it All ideas and concepts of this presentation are copy written and cannot be used without the permission of Matthew, Jess, Samantha, and Jason ©