Abdominal aorta Begininng :-enters the abdomen through the aortic opening..at T12 . Course:-it descends downward & vertically …on the ant.surface of bodies of lumbar vertebrae…at the level of L4 it divides into two common iliac arteries.
Relations:- Ant:-median arcuate ligament…ceiliac trunk..lesser omentum…sup.mesenteric artery..head of pancreas…uncinate process…3rd part of duodenum…root of mesentery of small intestine..Lt renal vein…splenic vein…inf.mesenteric vein…parietal peritoneum. Post:-lumbar vertebrae & intervertebral discs..3rd & 4th lumbar veins. Note :-1st & 2nd lumbar veins on Rt side unites to form azygous vein..on left side they form hemi azygous vein. On each side:-sympathetic chain+crura of diaphragm. On Rt side:-inf.vena cava…azygous vein..cisterna chyli. On Lt side:-4th part of duodenum..head of pancreas
Ceiliac trunk Sup.mesenteric artery & vein 3rd part of duodenum head of pancreas Ant relation of aorta 4th part of duodenum
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Branches:- 1)visceral (ant)branches:-ceiliac …sup.mesenteric….inf.mesenteric. 2)visceral(lat)branches:-renal..suprarenal…testicular or ovarian vein. 3)abdominal branches:-4 lumbar arteries…inf.phrenic artery. 4)terminal branches:-two common iliac arteries…median sacral artery. Note :-median sacral artery arises from back of aorta on L5 ..gives branches to rectum. Note :-inf.phrenic artery lies on L1.
Notes on last pic:- **Rt 1st & 2nd lumbar veins unite to form the Rt ascending lumbar vein… subcostal vein …azygous vein ..intercostal veins…SVC..Rt atrium of heart. **Lt 1st & 2nd lumbar veins…Lt ascending lumbar veins..subcostal vein..hemiazygous veins…intercostal veins.. Note :-thoracic duct crosses from Rt to Lt .(imp) Note :-renal artery arises in L2. Note :-aorta lies 2cm above transpyloric plane (L1). & 2cm below umbilicus. Note :-gonadal arteries Rt :-lies deep to 3rd part of duodenum..on inf.vena cava psoas…genitofemoral nerve. In Lt side there is no inf.vena cava.
Renal arises med…gonadal lat. Passes on psoas …genitofemoral n.
Int.iliac artery :-