Year 6 - Curriculum Year B Summer Geography – Maya Territory To locate the main countries occupied by the Maya and surrounding oceans on a world map / atlas, using vocabulary such as tropics, equator and continent. Science – Changes of Materials To learn about irreversible & reversible changes and compare materials To learn about mixing & separating materials Literacy Cross Curricular: A persuasive travel leaflet recommending a stay in Chichen Itza Maths Cross Curricular: Maya mathematics – an investigation into the Maya way of writing numbers To create problems to solve using the Maya maths system Art – Weaving To look at materials used by the Mayas and how these were created. To look at jewellery, belts, headdresses and general clothes as inspiration for creating their own piece of Mayan jewellery To learn how to weave To use the skills of weaving to create a piece of jewellery, Maya Civilisation Computing: We are Presenters Select, use and combine a variety of software on a range of digital devices to design and create a a range of programs including editing footage. Esafety To use technology safely, respectively and responsibly PSHCE Puberty - To learn about how our bodies change as we grow older Moving on up – transition to high school Understand feelings about change Understand how feelings, thoughts and behaviours are linked To explore the options open to someone who is offered some form of drug To consider techniques for resisting peer pressure and developing assertive behaviour in situations relating to drug abuse To learn about how to keep safe around and on roads To demonstrate the Christian value of ‘Thankfulness’ History To learn about the Maya civilisation AD900 through primary and secondary sources comparing different sources. To research an aspect of Maya life RE – Pentecost – what happened next? To explore what happened next after Pentecost including asking ourselves ‘What is a mission?’. Exploring loss, hope To explore the Christian viewpoint on death, considering what does it mean when something or someone dies? To discover what the bible says about heaven Physical Education To develop Fundamental Movement Skills, Athletic skills and skills and knowledge required for playing Rounders, including batting and fielding and good sportsmanship. Music: To perform a solo improvisation To refine and improve my musical improvisation