WG on Nowcasting Research World Meteorological Organization Slobodan Nickovic Research Department World Meteorological Organization Geneva, Switzerland
WMO Regions R.A. IV North America, Central America R.A. VI And the Caribbean (25 Members) WMO Regions R.A. VI Europe (49 Members) R.A. II Asia (35 Members) R.A. I Africa (56 Members) R.A. V South-West Pacific (22 Members) R.A.III South America (13 Members)
WMO Research Department CAS WWRP JSC WCRP JSC WGNE SERA MesoScale SPARC CLIC Nowcasting Verification GEWEX CLIVAR Tropical Meteorology THORPEX GHG Cycles: Fluxes UNFCCC Aerosols Warnings and Assessment Ozone Depletion Vienna Convention Target Phenomena Convectively Coupled Waves / MJO Easterly Waves / Tropical Cyclones / ET Diurnal Cycle Monsoons Completion of the publication and follow-up actions to the WMO/IUGG report “Aerosol Pollution Impact on Precipitation: A Scientific Review” Initiative Goals Achieve significant gains in forecast skill by 2012 in: Medium-range tropical weather forecasts, particularly disturbed conditions associated with organized convection. Extended-range/subseasonal forecasts of the MJO. Medium-to-extended range extratropical forecasts derived from improved tropical weather/climate and tropical-extratropical interactions. Fundamental Science Questions What are the most crucial elements of the large-scale circulation that influence the development, organization and maintenance of tropical convection? Under what circumstances and with what mechanisms is energy and momentum transferred between the convective, mesoscale, synoptic scale, and the large/planetary scale? How does organized tropical convection interact with the extra-tropical circulation? GURME Urban-Regional Air Quality Reactive Gas & Oxidizing Capacity JSC Air-Surface Chemical Exchange GAW Weather, Climate and Environment Earth-System Research-Observations, Analysis and Prediction
Technology Transfer & Capacity Building Disaster Prevention, Environmental Sustainability and Economic Competitivity Through Improved Forecasting Services & Applications WWRP-THORPEX Technology Transfer & Capacity Building Environmental Prediction Research
The nowcasting research priorities Improving nowcasting predictive skill and characterizing uncertainty; Promoting physically based nowcast prediction through high resolution model development and data assimilation; Developing improved observational capability in nowcasting; Characterizing observational errors and algorithm processing errors and their impact on nowcasting; and Improving automated nowcast processes, optimizing the role of humans and developing supporting systems for the rapid detection and effective dissemination of information.
Nowcasting Research focused on the detection and forecasting of weather over the 0-6 hour time frame. diverse user community: Emergency services, defence forces, security agencies, the transport industry, hydrologists, the agricultural community, recreational groups air quality agencies regularly
Nowcasting WWRP Projects Sydney 2000 FDP (Emphasis Nowcasting Summer Convection) Beijing 2008 FDP and RDP (Emphasis Nowcasting Summer Convection) Vancouver 2010 (SNOW-V10 FDP/RDP) (Emphasis Nowcasting Winter Weather in Complex Terrain) Sochi 2014 (proposed)