Influencing Child Development: Heredity & Environment
Heredity: It’s in the genes! Modified from
What is heredity? Heredity is the passing of traits from parent to offspring. You inherit traits from your parents
What are traits? Eye Color Hair Color Height Weight Body Structure Facial Features Skin Color
What traits did you inherit from your parents? Complete the genetic scavenger hunt with the people in your class. Also, list any unusual traits that your classmates have on the back of the paper. You have fifteen (15) minutes to complete this assignment. Be ready to share with the class.
Environment The other factor that influences child development is the environment. Environment can also be thought of in two ways: “nature” and “nurture”. Includes experiences children have in: their home School Community Some people refer to this as "nurture."
Environment (cont.) The environment can either improve or harm a child's genetic blueprint. Ex: malnourished children who live in developing countries may not reach their IQ potential because of the impact of their environment ( not enough nutrition) on their brain development. Some people refer to this as "nature."
The Great Debate: Psychologists have been debating this idea for years: “Nature vs. Nurture” Identical Strangers (otherwise known as: Does heredity or environment play a bigger role in a child’s development?)
Domains of Development Development is described in three domains, but… Growth in one domain influences the other domains.
Domains of Development Physical Domain: body size body proportions Appearance brain development motor development, perception capacities, physical health.
Domains of Development Cognitive/Intelligence Domain: thought processes and intellectual abilities including: Attention Memory problem solving Imagination Creativity academic and everyday knowledge Metacognition language.
Domains of Development Social/Emotional Domain: self-knowledge (self-esteem, metacognition, sexual identity, ethnic identity) moral reasoning understanding and expression of emotions self-regulation Temperament understanding others interpersonal skills friendships
Discussion Question: Work with a partner and look at the three development domain lists. Beside each one, write whether or not you feel it would be affected by heredity or environment. Hint: You can write an “H” or an “E” beside each one. We will discuss our answers as a group after five (5) minutes.