Report Card and HSTW/MMGW Data: Putting the Pieces Together Joyce Odor, Regional Coordinator, HSTW CSE Ohio
Keep it simple! Value the school’s time. Don’t overwhelm with too much information. Maintain Focus. Be Flexible. There are multiple ways to do this process. It’s a matter of knowing what questions to ask. We have provided multiple tools to help with the process. Flexibility is important as specific key practices don’t always fit with the same concerns. Many times key practices can be looked at in groups, eg. rigorous academic studies, high expectations, extra help
KEEP THE DISTRICT GOALS IN MIND How does the data support the needs identified in the district goals? What we do through HSTW/MMGW should always align with the district goals. We want to ensure that we provide value to our schools by addressing their needs where they are!
REVIEW THE SCHOOL REPORT CARD DATA Review the front page Identify the main components of concern? Dig deeper into the components of concern to identify cause(s) The report card is a good place to start since this is the “measuring stick” by which schools are evaluated. If you start with the key practices you will need to go back and make sure you align them with the report components of concern – These are the school priorities.
2014 – 2015 Report card high school This is a high school report card that has an obvious need to address achievement.
The percent of students performing at the basic and limited levels is 28.5%. Looking at the indicators on the screen that were not met you will see Algebra 1, Geometry, Math 1. If you scroll up, 10 thgrade OGT math is not met.
REVIEW THE HSTW/MMGW SURVEY RESULTS Review the intensity levels - MMGW Survey- page 6 - HSTW Survey- various pages Identify the areas of concern Review related pages of the survey You can use the LTA forms or the summary sheets I have provided as tools. Since the HSTW survey does not have an executive summary as in the past you may find using a form for this to be helpful. Once you start to dig deeper you can go to the section of the data tools form to show related survey results in chart format.
HSTW SURVEY INTENSITY LEVELS Reading scores didn’t seem to be an issue but literacy across the curriculum seems to be. Perhaps its an issue of understanding complex texts.
HSTW SURVEY INTENSITY LEVELS Issues may revolve around relevance, understanding why school is important and exposure to careers.
Review course-taking patterns hstw survey pages 15-16 Are the students taking the right course?
HSTW Teacher survey questions How often do you require extra help for your students who are not performing at a C level (or its equivalent) or above in your courses? HSTW Teacher survey questions still need a lot of formatting.
PUTTING IT ALL TOGETHER If mathematics achievement is a concern, what questions should we have addressed in the surveys?
Are students taking the appropriate courses? QUESTIONS Are students taking the appropriate courses? Are students getting the help/support they need? Do teachers have high expectations? Are students engaged in their learning? Is school culture affecting student learning? Above- Here are some questions you might ask- -
NEXT STEPS Identify the key practices that will address the concerns. Develop strategies. Revise the school improvement/action plan. Communicate the plan with the entire faculty. Implement the plan.