One to One Laptop Initiative Rye Junior High School Rye, NH School Board Briefing June 11, 2008 Sheila Adams Chris Pollet; Chris Lingamfelter Tim Moynahan Mike Schwartz Suzanne Vogt 1 1 to
History of Laptop Initiative Inspired by Maine Laptop 7th Grade Program Students and Parents feel Technology Weak at RJH Started December, 2006 Solicited parent and teacher involvement Augmented with staff and Principal Conducted Research: web and in person Attended Conferences Phone Interviews: Matt Woodrow, Armand R. Dupont School in Allenstown, NH This is one of the Governor Benson Laptop Schools. This is a very strong program and our notes are attached. Linda Volt, Paul Elementary School in Sanbornville, NH This is one of the Governor Benson Laptop Schools. This is a struggling program and we learned a lot from their missteps.
One to One Vision Enhance Student Learning Higher Order of Thinking Skills Maximize Student Potential Extension of Lesson / School Day New Teaching Methods / Teachers as Facilitators Extending Collaboration Writing (Draft/Redraft, Grammar) and Communication Reading Comprehension Can be Improved Mathematic Skills Science Skills Social Studies Skills Technology Skills Follow the Child Indicator Life Long Leadership Skills
Vignettes A day in the life…. Sunday night panic Connecting with peers Access to tools and resources Monday morning Math – graphing tools Social Studies – primary source documents Art Class – portfolio reflection and evaluation
Lessons Learned Students are more engaged in this type of learning… more excited about the curriculum. Successful programs focus on teacher adoption and curriculum integration (professional development). Need for both technology and curriculum integration. Hardware is only one component. Challenges: technical aspects of support, infrastructure, and network capacity. Initially, there are usually a number of unplanned costs, but that tapered off as they progressed.
Proposed Next Steps Determine what a RJH One-to-One would look like: Develop budget proposal for ‘09-10 school year Refine professional development approach Recommend roll-out strategy Board Reaction / Suggestions