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Why are we talking about Information? What is information? Why are we talking about Information?
Whole volumes have been written in the attempt to define the concept of “Information”
To define “information” we will use a: tree & leaf
What is Information? Broadly used, the term “Information” often means all ideas, facts, and creative works
What is Information? “Information” can also be used to mean one single data element.
What is Information? Information is anything that can change a person’s state of knowledge (What one knows) and physical representations of abstractions that can cause this change. Information used to be obtained only from friends, experts, printed books, serials, audio-visual materials, etc. Information used to be accessible through the card catalog, printed bibliographies, etc. UNESCO EIPICT MODULE 3. LESSON 1 5
Why are we talking about information? In libraries for a long time we have focused on the printed form of information: books and periodicals We know the methods used to produce these books and periodicals have changed: palm-leaf books to printed books but the product has still been writing or print
Why are we talking about information? In our lifetimes many of us have seen changes in audiovisual information formats: movies, television, DVDs and records, cassette tapes, CDs All of us have seen, and will see more, changes in electronic formats: periodical databases, websites, blogs
Why are we talking about information? As librarians, we need to focus less on the format and more on the content: information We need to focus on how people use and find information
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What are Information Communication Technologies?
2 Questions for your group to discuss How has ICT affected your life ? How has ICT affected your library?
What is the Impact of ICTs on Information Resources and Digital: Tools for Access? Internet Print Digital: CD-ROM, DVD, DAT The digital environment has led to changes in the creation, storage, distribution, access and delivery of information. UNESCO EIPICT MODULE 3. LESSON 1 6
Information Resources Printed and electronic books (e-books) Printed and electronic journals (e-journals) Printed and electronic reference tools (e-dictionaries, e-abstracts and indexes, multimedia encyclopedias, etc.) UNESCO EIPICT MODULE 3. LESSON 1 7
Let’s look at some of these resources: e-books Project Gutenberg: the first e-book project now with about 20,000 books online http://www.gutenberg.org/wiki/Main_Page
Let’s look at some of these resources: e-journals http://www.uic.edu/htbin/cgiwrap/bin/ojs/index.php/fm/index
Let’s look at some of these resources: electronic reference tools VDict.com Vietnamese – English – French - Chinese Dictionary http://vdict.com
Impact of ICT on the Library The digital information environment changed the way information is created, collected, consolidated, and communicated. Library services became automated and information services became electronic. Libraries have to acquire, organize, distribute and preserve information in digital formats UNESCO EIPICT MODULE 3. LESSON 1 8
Library Services in a Digital Environment Automated library system Services for e-onsite resources: CD- ROMs, e-journals on subscription, e- books Internet services Information services: SDI, Repackaging of information Resource sharing activities: Interlibrary loan, document delivery UNESCO EIPICT MODULE 3. LESSON 1 9
An Automated Library An automated library system that uses a single database for its various operations and services is called an integrated library system (ILS) SERVER Cataloging Circulation workstation workstation OPAC UNESCO EIPICT MODULE 3. LESSON 1 10
The Library in the Digital Environment Electronic Library Model OWNERSHIP LIBRARY ACCESS Staff/ • Printed books Services/ and e-books Internet Infrastructure • Printed serials Resources and e-journals • Audio-visual materials and Other microforms Libraries • CD-ROMs, USER and DVD, DAT Information • Special Centers collections The Library in the Digital Environment Electronic Library Model UNESCO EIPICT MODULE 3. LESSON 1 11
Any Questions?
Today we talked about: How we’ll work together Information Information Communication Technologies How ICT has affected you and your library How ICT has affected libraries around the world
Tomorrow we will Consider the impact of ICTs on librarians Learn about information seeking behavior, particularly in an electronic environment
Have a good evening