Why learn foreign languages?
In order to learn a foreign language, you need both time and effort In order to learn a foreign language, you need both time and effort. To increase your motivation you can use some practical, intellectual and sentimental skills.
migration Arriving to a new country if you know the language, you can integrate more quickly into the local society. Even if the local people know your language, you still need to learn a foreign one. Thus, you can demonstrate your interest in the new country and its inhabitants.
Family and friends Perhaps your business partners, friends or relatives can speak any foreign language. If you speak it too you will communicate freely and better understand each other and their way of thinking.
Work The knowledge of foreign language will help you to increase sales, sign profitable contracts, find a better job, get a promotion, go on a business trip to another country.
Science The foreign language can help you to learn useful information about the subject you're interested in another language.
Travel Even a minimal knowledge of foreign languages will help you to "survive" in a foreign country: buy food, get to the right place, buy tickets, etc. If you are fluent in a foreign language, you will be able to communicate with native people and make life brighter.
Studying Abroad Going to study abroad, you will certainly learn the foreign language. Nowadays every university can offer a training program in English
Secret communication Perhaps you, your relatives, friends or colleagues can speak the language that few understand. You can easily communicate in private topics in public places without fear of being heard. For example, carriers of American Indian languages, such as the Navajo and Cheyenne during the First and Second World Wars, served as radio operators and negotiated in their native language. In the same way in the Bosnian war some people used the Welsh.
Back to basics If your family spoke the foreign language in the past it might be interesting to learn the language of your predecessors. You can examine in detail their genealogical tree, refer to the documents written in that foreign language.
Culture If you love books, movies, television programs, music, culture belonging to a particular country - you will certainly like to learn the language of that country, understand its culture better.
Religion Missionaries and other religious leaders study foreign languages to preach throughout the world. Missionary organizations have played an important role in preserving many languages…
Kitchen Imagine you are the fan of the cousin or drink of a definite country or region. You can buy cookery books, which are published in the local language. Try out your character! Learn that foreign language even if it is difficult!
I like this language You may like the sound of a single foreign language, perhaps you like the way they write on it, or how to sing it - learn it and you can enjoy your speech, writing, or singing songs.
Whatever the reasons to learn the foreign language are , the final result of your efforts will be absolutely positive: you will expand horizons, learn the different world and people inhabiting it.