Halton Poverty Roundtable – Theory of Change/ Strategic Plan INTENDED IMPACT: By 2026, all residents will have a livable income and, as a result, have access to opportunities, resources, and supports to thrive and to fully participate in an inclusive Halton community. STRATEGIES OUTCOMES KEY ACTIVITIES Empower low – income families to successfully participate in post-secondary education savings for their children. Educate community service providers and build capacity to support low-income families to enroll in the CLB. Enrollment facilitation at key community events targeting families with young children. Increase in Canada Learning Bond take-up rates and Canada Education Savings Grant matching program funds for lower income families. Increase in the number of youth pursuing post secondary education. Develop a common understanding of social procurement in Halton. Support providers and anchor institutions to develop frameworks that would embed social procurement practices in Halton. Launch two pilot initiatives for social procurement and community benefits agreements in Halton. Develop a series of engagement tools and online resources to support the adoption of social procurement programs in Halton. Engage, educate, and activate Halton community stakeholders to implement social procurement programs. Increase in high school graduation rates in Halton. Increase in number of disengaged youth at risk for living in low income pursuing post secondary education. Scale up the Halton Sport Leadership Program, an initiative for disengaged youth at risk for living in low income. Scale up the existing Oakville project to expand from 3 high schools to 6. Expand program to Milton, Halton Hills and Burlington over the next 12 to 18 months. Increase support for, capacity, and action in Halton to advocate for livable incomes as a pathway to end poverty. Increase in number of Living Wage employers. Build awareness of and advocate for a Guaranteed Annual Income and a Living Wage. Engage and educate local businesses on benefits of living wage and showcase living wage employers. Form BIG Push working group and review national action plan to develop local plan. September 2016