Creator Spirit, we thank You for this beautiful world with its amazing variety of animals and plants. May we never forget that we are stewards of Your Creation and that we hold it in trust for future generations. Help us to respect the earth’s rich diversity and to share with each other and all living creatures in responsible ways. Amen
What does the bible tell us? Genesis 2:15 The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it. Ezekiel 34:18 Is it not enough for you to feed on the good pasture, that you must tread down with your feet the rest of your pasture; and to drink of clear water, that you must muddy the rest of the water with your feet?
What will we achieve by the end of 2016? Green Flag Award What will we achieve by the end of 2016?
"I'm on a mission to educate and inspire consumers around the globe to seek out more sustainable lifestyle choices that will ultimately play a part in the movement toward a world with zero waste." "Established in 1998 by Leonardo and his family, the Foundation supports efforts to secure a sustainable future for our planet and all of its inhabitants." Emma Watson has created an eco friendly fashion line. And many more join the cause to look after the environment including Brad Pitt, Drew Barrymore, Matt Damon and Justin Timberlake.
We need you to join our eco warrior team.
What will your role be ? To assess the schools current environmental impact To structure an action plan. To plan and deliver action. To hold meetings with the governors and senior leaders of the team. To communicate your success to the school and local community. Work with our link schools abroad. Fundraise for projects within school and for communities in need throughout the world.
To apply: Please give your name and TG to Miss coupe, your HOH or tutor.