Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations for 2014/2015 SBAC Assessments Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations for 2014/2015
Graph portrays aspects of the SBAC features (Universal tools, Designated supports, and Accommodations) as well as the additive and sequentially-inclusive nature of these 3 parts.
Universal Tools Available to all students Including students receiving Designated Supports and Accommodations
Designated Supports Available to any student for whom an adult or team has indicated the need for these supports. Scores will be included for federal accountability purposes Students receiving these supports can/may also receive Universal Tools support and Accommodations.
Accommodations Available only to students with documentation of the need through a formal plan (i.e., IEP or 504 plan) Changes in procedures or materials that increase equitable access Generate valid assessment results Students may also use Designated Supports and Universal Tools
Embedded vs Non-embedded Tools Universal Tools, Designated Supports, and Accommodations provided digitally through the test delivery system Universal Tools, Designated supports, and Accommodations provided at the local level through means other than the test delivery system
Summary of SBAC UDAs Summary of SBAC Embedded and Non-embedded UDAs
Support Options Based on individual student’s need Should reflect student’s Prior use & familiarity with the support. -Same or similar to supports used for Instruction and classroom assessments
Supports and SEIS 2 Step process in SEIS Section Special factors page Support and Accommodations Link
SEIS UPDATES (as of 2/20) Science CST with accom/mod and CMA with accom buttons have been fixed. Buttons stay selected. Once these are all corrected, the Science Testing Report on the Student tab will be accurate. The problem in the Math accommodation and designated supports drop down menu has been corrected. It is now worded correctly.
TOMS & SEIS How to Create A TOMS Report Pulling Reports Log onto SEIS From Menu Bar Click on Students Select TOMS Report Create A report Pulling Reports Reports are pulled from Future IEP Only students for whom Embedded or Non-Embedded Designated Supports and/or Accommodations have been selected are part of the TOMS report
Carl Coles Director, Special Education (951) 509-5159 Ruth Heger Coordinator, Special Education (951) 509-5167 Angelina Castillo Program Specialist, Special Ed. (951) 509-6023 Margaret Akinnusi Program Specialist, Special Ed. Susan Kimura (951) 509-5172