The Parts of Speech Manzoor Ahmad Khattak
PART OF SPEECH BASIC FUNCTION EXAMPLES Noun Name of a Person, Place or Thing Pirate, Caribbean, Ship
PART OF SPEECH BASIC FUNCTION EXAMPLES Pronoun Takes the place of a noun I, you, he, she, it, ours, them, who
PART OF SPEECH BASIC FUNCTION EXAMPLES Verb Identifies action or state of being sing, dance, believe, be
PART OF SPEECH BASIC FUNCTION EXAMPLES Adjective Modifies a noun or Pronoun hot, lazy, funny
PART OF SPEECH BASIC FUNCTION EXAMPLES Adverb Modifies a verb, adjective, or other adverb softly, lazily, often
PART OF SPEECH BASIC FUNCTION EXAMPLES Preposition Shows a relationship between a noun (or pronoun) and other words in a sentence up, over, against, by, for
PART OF SPEECH BASIC FUNCTION EXAMPLES Conjunction Joins words, phrases, and clauses and, but, or, yet
PART OF SPEECH BASIC FUNCTION EXAMPLES Interjection Expresses emotion ah, whoops, ouch
PART OF SPEECH BASIC FUNCTION EXAMPLES Article Identifies and specifies a noun a, an, the