Prepositions and Prepositional Phrases
Parts of speech Noun Subject Pronoun Subject Main Verbs & Helping Verbs Transitive & Intransitive Verbs Adjectives Adverbs
Word Function Codes Code Part of Speech NS Noun Subject PNS Pronoun Subject PNU Pronoun Understood MV Main Verb HV Helping Verb MVT Main Verb Transitive MVI Main Verb Intransitive MVL Main Verb Linking AJ Adjective AV Adverb PR Preposition OP Object of Preposition
Overview A preposition is a word such as: at during of on through to
Prepositions A noun or pronoun that follows a preposition is called the: Object of the preposition Object of the prepositions usually answers: Whom? What?
Point 1 A preposition must be followed by a: noun pronoun The noun or pronoun that follows the preposition is called: Object of a preposition
Example The boy fell [down the steps.] aj ns mvi pr aj op The boy fell [down the steps.] down the steps is a prepositional phrase
Point 2 Prepositions Aboard Behind During Onto To About Below Except Opposite Toward Above Beneath For Out Towards Across Beside In Over Underneath Against Between Inside Past Until Along Beyond Into Pending Up Among But (except) Like Per Upon Around By Near Regarding With As Concerning Of Since Within At Considering Off Through Without Before Down On throughout
Compound-Word Prepositions According to By means of In place of On account of As part of Due to In spite of Out of Aside from In addition to Instead of Owing to Because of In front of Next to Pertaining to
Example Compound word preposition Describes where pns mvi pr pr pr aj op He parked [in front of] the bank. Compound word preposition Describes where
Point 4 one-word noun compound-word noun pronoun The object of a preposition may be a: one-word noun compound-word noun pronoun
Example One-word noun object of preposition pns mvi pr aj op They walked [to the mall.]
Example Compound-word noun object of preposition aj ns hv mvi pr op op The meal was prepared by Chef John.
Example Pronoun Object of the Preposition mvt aj do pr op Give the keys to me.
Point 5 A prepositional phrase may function as and adjective and modify or describe a noun or a pronoun. Adjectives Modifier Modifies: Nouns & Pronouns Question: Which one? What kind of? How many? Or Whose? Other adjectives: this, that, these, those, a, an, the, and possessive pronouns
Point 6 A prepositional phrase may function as an adverb and modify or describe a verb, adjective, or another adverb. Adverb Modifier Modifies: verbs, adjectives, or another verb Questions: when? Where? Why? How? To What Extent? Other Adverbs: too, very, Most adverbs end in -ly
Example When? Frank walked to the store. Where? John jogs in the morning. When? Frank walked to the store. Where?
Example Why? The man spoke with a vengeance. How? James fought for his rights. Why? The man spoke with a vengeance. How?
Never Assume!! Investigate the word placement in the sentence. Read, re-read, and read again!! Never make assumptions without looking for the facts!! Look for key words & indicators -ly=adverb Mvt answers: Who? Or What? Mvi never has a DO!!