The road to conjugation… Verb Conjugation The road to conjugation…
Here are some questions: What is a verb? How do you recognize a verb in Spanish / English? What is an infinitive? What is a verb stem? Can you give some examples in Spanish / English? What is a subject pronoun? Can you list them? Can you write them in Spanish? What are the verb endings in Spanish for an AR verb? ER? IR? Can you conjugate a verb including the subject pronouns? Can you write a sentence in Spanish with a conjugated verb? What else can you tell us that we haven’t covered?
What is a verb? An action word.
How do you recognize a verb in Spanish / English? Spanish: by the –ar, – er, – ir on the end of the word. English: by the word “to”.
What is an infinitive? A verb that is not conjugated.
What is a verb stem? What’s left of the verb after you take of the –ar, – er, – ir.
Can you give some examples in Spanish / English? Spanish: bailar, comer, vivir. English: to dance, to eat, to live.
What is a subject pronoun? A noun that takes the place of the subject.
Can you list them? I you he/she/it we y’all (you all) they
Can you write them in Spanish? él/ella/Ud. nosotros ellos/Uds.
What are the verb endings in Spanish for an AR verb? ER? IR? AR: o, as, a, amos, áis, an ER: o, es, e, emos, éis, en IR: o, es, e, imos, ís, en
Can you show the class how to completely conjugate a verb including the subject pronouns? Example: BAILAR yo bailo tú bailas él baila nosotros bailamos ellos/ Uds. bailan
Can you write a sentence in Spanish with a conjugated verb? Yo bailo todos los días.
What else can you tell us that we haven’t covered? ???