MAP™ for Primary Grades Northwest Evaluation Association Materials: None Reports: None Key Concepts: To introduce the MAP™ for Primary Grades Supplementary Component Talking Points: Invite the District Leadership Team to make opening remarks Activity: None Facilitator Notes: If participants for this module have been present for the entire training day, please hide the following slides, which will be redundant: Slide 8: Rasch unIT (RIT) Scale Slide 9: RIT Scale Slide 10: Addressing Classroom Diversity: Survey w/ Goals Tests MAP for Primary Grades (Supplementary Component) Revised 7/2008 © 2008 Northwest Evaluation Association
Measuring Academic Growth Survey w/ Goals Tests (adaptive tests) Take into account students’ starting points Assess progress as well as proficiency Materials: None Reports: None Key Concepts: To consider the benefits of using a growth measure in academics Talking Points: The adaptive tests in the MAP for Primary Grades assessment system allow us to consider student starting points in the content and skills we teach and measure academic growth in those areas over time. Measuring student growth gives us another important way to evaluating our instructional programs and practices. Activity: Table Discussion (10 minutes) Purpose – to engage participants in thinking about growth data. Have participants discuss at their tables how having a growth measure might change conversations you have with parents and students throughout the year and contribute to what you share with other teachers. How will having a growth measure add to the things you discussed in the last activity? Debrief by having each group share one point they discussed in table groups. Facilitator Notes: None A MAP for Primary Grades (Supplementary Component) Revised 7/2008 © 2008 Northwest Evaluation Association
Tiered Assessment System Screening Tests (diagnostic tests) Assess basic letter/number skills Skills Checklist Tests (diagnostic tests) Assess developing literacy/numeracy skills Survey w/ Goals Tests (adaptive tests) Measures growth in reading and mathematics skills Materials: Guidelines for Placing Students handout Reports: None Key Concepts: To explain that MAP for Primary Grades is a tiered system with three distinct levels of assessment Talking Points: We’re using the A, B, and C blocks on the screen to symbolize the three tiers. When you see the blocks, it will signify that we are looking at information pertinent to one of the tiers as indicated on the slide. The tiers in this system need not be taken in order. Teachers may determine at which tier students will begin testing based upon: Knowledge of student Input of parents Screening or Skills Checklist Test data Other assessment information District’s intended uses/requirements Activity: None Facilitator Notes: None M MAP for Primary Grades (Supplementary Component) Revised 7/2008 © 2008 Northwest Evaluation Association
Early Literacy Screening and Early Numeracy Screening Tests Test types Reading: Letter Recognition, Sounds, Concepts of Print Mathematics: Concepts of Number Diagnostic tests Assesses foundational skills of letters and numbers Measures discrete essential skills Guides instruction Takes place of most typical one-on-one testing Audience: Pre-kindergarten, kindergarten Test intervals: repeat as often as needed Materials: Guidelines for Placing Students handout Reports: None Key Concepts: To explain uses for MAP for Primary Grades Early Literacy Screening and Early Numeracy Screening tests Talking Points: These tests can replace many of the one-on-one assessments typically done in primary grades classrooms. Tests will measure the foundational skills of letter and number understanding. Provides documentation of attainment of foundational skills. Typically these tests should be the first tests given to pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, and some first and second graders. These tests are not adaptive, but will randomize order of items presented. These tests may be given as often as needed throughout the school year. There is a Reading Early Literacy Screening test and a Mathematics Early Numeracy Screening test. Results may be used to help guide instruction for individual students as well as for informing whole group instruction. Activity: None Facilitator Notes: None M MAP for Primary Grades (Supplementary Component) Revised 7/2008 © 2008 Northwest Evaluation Association
Reading Skills Checklist Tests Ten Reading tests (diagnostic tests) Assesses building blocks to basic literacy Measures discrete essential skills Guides instruction Takes the place of typical one-on-one testing Audience: kindergarten, first grade Testing interval: repeat as often as needed Multiple reading goals measured Materials: Guidelines for Placing Students handout Reports: None Key Concepts: To review uses for MAP for Primary Grades Skills Checklist Tests Talking Points: These tests can replace much of the time teachers spend with one-on-one testing. Tests do not need to be given in any order, nor do students need to take all tests. These tests provide documentation of attainment of foundational skills. They assess beyond the skills tested with the Early Literacy Screening Test. There are ten individual skills tests in the Reading Skills Checklist test series which assess skills related to: Consonant blends and digraphs Decoding multi-syllable words Decoding patterns and word families Letter identification Manipulation of sounds Matching letters to sounds Phoneme identification Phonological awareness Syllable types (CVC, CVCe, R-controlled) Vowel digraphs and diphthongs These tests are not adaptive, but items will be presented in randomized order. Skills Checklist Tests are recommended for all students who have been successful on the Early Literacy Screening test. Some pre-kindergarten students may begin with this test and they may be useful for intervention with some grade 2+ students. These tests may be given as often as needed throughout the school year. Teachers will use the results for informing instruction and diagnosing needs for intervention. Activity: None Facilitator Notes: None M MAP for Primary Grades (Supplementary Component) Revised 7/2008 © 2008 Northwest Evaluation Association
Mathematics Skills Checklist Tests 28 Mathematics tests (diagnostic tests) Assesses basic concepts in mathematics Measures discrete essential skills Guides instruction Takes the place of typical one-on-one testing Audience: kindergarten, first grade, and second grade Testing Interval: repeat as often as needed Two mathematics goal areas measured Computation – 15 tests Number sense – 13 tests Materials: Guidelines for Placing Students handout Reports: None Key Concepts: To review uses for MAP for Primary Grades Skills Checklist Tests Talking Points: These tests can replace much of the time teachers spend with one-on-one testing. Tests do not need to be given in any order, nor do students need to take all tests. These tests provide documentation of attainment of foundational skills. They assess beyond the skills tested with the Early Numeracy Screening Test. There are 28 individual skills tests in the Mathematics Skills Checklist test series which assess skills related to number sense and computation. These tests are not adaptive, but items will be presented in randomized order. Skills Checklist Tests are recommended for all students who have been successful on the Early Numeracy Screening Test. Some pre-kindergarten students may begin with this test and they may be useful for intervention with some grade 2+ students. These tests may be given as often as needed throughout the school year. Teachers will use the results for informing instruction and diagnosing needs for intervention. Activity: None Facilitator Notes: None M MAP for Primary Grades (Supplementary Component) Revised 7/2008 © 2008 Northwest Evaluation Association
Survey w/ Goals Tests Audience Scores Intervals for testing K -1 students successful with other tests in the system Grade 2 students; intervention screening in grades 3 and 4 Scores RIT score for each test Intervals for testing Three times per year During district testing windows Primary Grades Instructional Data Learning statements organized by RIT level (Future) aligned to state goal structures Materials: Guidelines for Placing Students handout Reports: None Key Concepts: To review uses for MAP for Primary Grades Survey w/ Goals Tests Talking Points: Four Survey w/ Goals Tests are available; two Reading and two Mathematics tests. These tests will provide an overall content RIT score as well as goal RIT ranges. Survey w/ Goals Tests are adaptive and are similar to MAP tests for other grades. The goal performance areas for these tests will be different from the regular MAP tests for other grades. These goals align with the Primary Grades Instructional Data document (similar to DesCartes). Students may take both tests in content area; decision based on teacher/student needs. Tests are delivered like regular MAP tests; however they include audio and enhanced items in addition to the multiple choice format. RIT Scale Norms for Early Primary Grades can be accessed from the MAP for Primary Grades support page. Activity: None Facilitator Notes: None M MAP for Primary Grades (Supplementary Component) Revised 7/2008 © 2008 Northwest Evaluation Association
Reading Survey w/ Goals Tests One Reading Survey w/ Goals Test measures: Phonological Awareness Phonics Concepts of Print The other Survey w/ Goals Test measures: Vocabulary and Word Structure Comprehension Writing Materials: Guidelines for Placing Students handout Reports: None Key Concepts: To understand the Reading Survey w/ Goals Tests and what they measure Talking Points: One Reading Survey w/ Goals Test assesses the goals of Phonological Awareness; Phonics; Concepts of Print The other Reading Survey w/ Goals Test assesses the goals of Vocabulary and Word Structure; Comprehension; Writing This test will provide a growth measure for developmental reading and a Lexile score for each student. Students may take either one of these tests or both based on teacher and district needs. Each test will generate a RIT score and goal area RIT ranges. If both tests are taken within a 28 day period in the same testing window, a combined RIT score will display in reports for the subject. Activity: None Facilitator Notes: Below are examples of learning statements/concepts in the goal areas. Use, if needed, as illustration/examples. Phonological Awareness Identifies pictures (2) that begins with the same initial consonant sound (b) like a given word, presented auditorily Phonics Identifies the beginning letter (b) of a given picture, presented auditorily Concepts of Print Identifies where a reader would begin reading on a page, presented auditorily M MAP for Primary Grades (Supplementary Component) Revised 7/2008 © 2008 Northwest Evaluation Association
Mathematics Survey w/ Goals Tests One Mathematics Survey w/ Goals Test measures: Problem Solving Number Sense Computation The other Survey w/ Goals Test measures: Measurement and Geometry Statistics and Probability Algebra Materials: Guidelines for Placing Students handout Reports: None Key Concepts: To understand the Mathematics Survey w/ Goals Tests and what they measure Talking Points: One Mathematics Survey w/ Goals test assesses the goals of Problem Solving; Number Sense; Computation The other Mathematics Survey w/ Goals test assesses the goals of Measurement and Geometry; Statistics and Probability; Algebra Students may take either one of these tests or both based on teacher and district needs. Each test will generate a RIT score and goal area RIT ranges. If both tests are taken within a 28 day period in the same testing window, a combined RIT Score will display in reports for the subject. Activity: None Facilitator Notes: None M MAP for Primary Grades (Supplementary Component) Revised 7/2008 © 2008 Northwest Evaluation Association
Examples of Mathematics Concepts Primary grades geometry/measurement Identifies or names a square Identifies the lightest object Identifies real-world situations that are cold Primary grades algebra Copies a repeating pattern using different geometric shapes Extends a repeating pattern – pictures of real-world objects Primary grades probability/statistics Reads a pictograph – using scale of 1 symbol = 1 object Reads a tally chart Materials: Guidelines for Placing Students handout Reports: None Key Concepts: To illustrate primary concepts in algebra, geometry, and statistics Talking Points: These are examples of learning statements/concepts in the goal areas tested and reported in Mathematics Survey w/ Goals Test which assesses algebra, probability, statistics, geometry, and measurement. It is important to note that the test, being adaptive, will level up to more difficult concepts in these areas if students exceed minimal competency. Activity: None Facilitator Notes: Teachers must remember that adaptive tests provide instructional level by assessing what students do not know as well as what they know at approximately a 50:50 ratio; therefore, it is important to remember that they will and should see items they cannot answer, but not many and not too far above their current performance level. M MAP for Primary Grades (Supplementary Component) Revised 7/2008 © 2008 Northwest Evaluation Association
Placement Decisions Considerations Student readiness District data needs Instructional uses Materials: Guidelines for Placing Students handout Reports: None Key Concepts: To consider factors helpful in deciding which tests in the system are most appropriate for students Talking Points: Teachers’ knowledge of students should be the main factor in test selection, however, district data needs must be considered as well. Activity: None Facilitator Notes: None M MAP for Primary Grades (Supplementary Component) Revised 7/2008 © 2008 Northwest Evaluation Association
Instructional Uses Identify foundational skills for focus: Administer Screening and/or Skills Checklist Tests Group students for instruction: Administer any tests in the system Assess needs for intervention: Administer any tests in the system Evaluate student academic growth: Administer Survey w/ Goals Tests Materials: Guidelines for Placing Students handout Reports: None Key Concepts: To focus thinking on what instructional information we need from the test Talking Points: Think about how teachers will use the test results to inform instruction as well. Some considerations to keep in mind are that: Only Screening tests and Skills Checklist Tests identify areas of student attainment or lack of attainment of foundational skills. All tests inform grouping and intervention identification. Only Survey w/ Goals Tests evaluate growth, provide a RIT score, and align with Primary Grades Instructional Data learning statements. This will be discussed later in training. Activity: None Facilitator Notes: None M MAP for Primary Grades (Supplementary Component) Revised 7/2008 © 2008 Northwest Evaluation Association
Never Use Only One Point of Data Triangulation State Materials: None Reports: None Key Concepts: To create awareness of importance of using multiple points of data to support decision-making Talking Points: Always consider more than one data point when making critical decisions about students. Consider how and when you will need to triangulate teacher observations, examples of student work, and other test data with MAP data. The iceberg gives us an analogy: we need to have three points of reference to see the mass of it. Also, the portions below the water—that which we don’t see– may be just as significant as what we do see (or even more so!). Remind participants these MAP data are only one piece, providing one snapshot in time. Triangulation (three supporting pieces that agree) of data should be emphasized as well as using a Body of Evidence. Activity: None Facilitator Notes: None Local -Classroom Periodic MAP for Primary Grades (Supplementary Component) Revised 7/2008 © 2008 Northwest Evaluation Association
Availability of Screening and Skills Checklist Test Data End-of-Test Score Screen Reports available immediately 24 – 48 hours after tests are uploaded User Names and Passwords distributed to teachers by MAP Coordinator or School Administrator Go to and click on “Log In: Reports Site” Materials: None Reports: None Key Concepts: To discuss the availability of testing data from Screening Tests and Skill Checklist Tests Talking Points: All tests in MAP for Primary Grades have End-of-Test Score Screen Reports which may be printed to obtain immediate data on student performance. End-of-Test Score Screen Reports are immediately available. Online reports are available 24-48 hours after test events are uploaded. User Name and Password are needed to log onto the Reports Site to access reports. Activity: None Facilitator Notes: None MAP for Primary Grades (Supplementary Component) Revised 7/2008 © 2008 Northwest Evaluation Association
Screening Test Reports: End-of-Test Score Screen Materials: None Reports: None Key Concepts: To inform participants of how they will receive data in the Screening End-of-Test Score Screen Report Talking Points: Accessing/sharing this report You may wish to print the End-of-Test Score Screen Report to provide immediate documentation of student scores. Make sure that student computers are mapped to a printer. This report provides information on student attainment or lack of attainment of basic letter and number skills. A Student Report is available at the Reports Site. This report will present the same data as the End-of-Test Score Screen Report and will be available 24 – 48 hours after the test events are uploaded. This will eliminate the necessity of printing this screen. Reading/interpreting this report: The student name appears at the top of the page followed by test name and date. The next line names the areas tested in the first section of the test. A header line will usually display all evaluated items. When items are missing from the lines below, this indicates that the student missed those items displayed above. A summary line is provided to evaluate the overall section. If there are additional sections in this test, data displays for them will follow the pattern above. Some test results are indicated by Yes/No columns as seen in the Concepts of Print section of the report shown. The final summary line will give data for the test as a whole. Activity: None Facilitator Notes: None MAP for Primary Grades (Supplementary Component) Revised 7/2008 © 2008 Northwest Evaluation Association
Skills Checklist Test Reports: End-of-Test Score Screen Materials: None Reports: None Key Concepts: To inform participants of how they will receive data in the Skills Checklist End-of-Test Score Screen Report Talking Points: Accessing/sharing this report: You may wish to print to provide immediate documentation of student scores. Make sure that student computers are mapped to a printer. We recommend sharing this report with teachers and others. This report provides information on student attainment or lack of attainment in foundational reading and mathematics skills. A Student Report is available at the NWEA Reports Site. This report will present the same data as the End-of-Test Score Screen Report and will be available 24 – 48 hours after the test events are uploaded. This will eliminate the necessity of printing this screen. Reading/interpreting this report: The student name appears at the top of the page followed by test name and date. The next line names the areas tested in the first section of the test. A header line will usually display all evaluated items. When items are missing from the lines below, this indicates that the student missed those items displayed above. A summary line is provided to evaluate the overall section. If there are additional sections in this test, data displays for them will follow the pattern above. Some test results are indicated by Yes/No columns. The final summary line will give data for the test as a whole. Activity: None Facilitator Notes: None MAP for Primary Grades (Supplementary Component) Revised 7/2008 © 2008 Northwest Evaluation Association
Accessing Screening and Skills Checklist Reports Link to access various Screening and Skills Checklist reports Materials: None Reports: None Key Concepts: To inform participants of how they will access data from online Screening and Skills Checklist reports Talking Points: MAP for Primary Grades Screening and Skills Checklist reports will be accessed by clicking on the <MAP for Primary Grades> link on the left navigation bar at the Reports Site. Activity: None Facilitator Notes: None MAP for Primary Grades (Supplementary Component) Revised 7/2008 © 2008 Northwest Evaluation Association
Screening and Skills Checklist Reports: Teacher Report Materials: None Reports: None Key Concepts: To inform participants of how they will receive data from the online Screening and Skills Checklist reports Talking Points: From the first screen shown, you will find drop-down menus to help you select: The type of report you’d like to view How far back in time you want the computer to look for records (within the last 364 days) The term for which you’d like to see rosters (the current term and the previous term will display) The class you’d like to see The test (of those you’ve given) you’d like displayed This report displays data for all students on all skills and sub-skills included on the selected test. Red, yellow, and green performance bar indicates students who performed at the 0% to 40% success level, greater than 40% to less than 80%, and at the 80% to 100% success level. This report gives a teacher the overview of his or her class’s performance on the entire test. It can be helpful in identifying areas of strength or areas of concern for the teacher, which can help to focus instruction. Activity: None Facilitator Notes: For more information about this report, please access the MAP for Primary Grades Interpreting Reports recorded online training at >> Member Support >> Professional Development >> Online Trainings. MAP for Primary Grades (Supplementary Component) Revised 7/2008 © 2008 Northwest Evaluation Association
Screening and Skills Checklist Reports: Sub-skill Performance Report Groups students with similar learning needs in reading and mathematics sub-skills Materials: None Reports: None Key Concepts: To inform participants of what data displays will look like from the online Screening and Skills Checklist reports Talking Points: The Teacher Report will also link us to a more detailed view of our student performance – the Sub-skill Performance Report. The Sub-skill Performance Report is created by the teacher’s selections on this page of the skills and sub-skills he or she would like to view. The default view of this report shows only the skill sections of the test. To see Sub-skills for a Skill section, click on <Show Sub-skill Data>. <Hide Sub-skill Data> will collapse the section back down to just the Skill section. To create a Sub-skill Performance Report showing all Sub-skills in a Skill section, check the box next to the Skill. Then click the <Sub-skill Report> button to generate a report for the sub-skills selected. Activity: None Facilitator Notes: For more information about this report, please access the MAP for Primary Grades Interpreting Reports recorded online training at >> Member Support >> Professional Development >> Online Trainings. MAP for Primary Grades (Supplementary Component) Revised 7/2008 © 2008 Northwest Evaluation Association
Availability of Survey w/ Goals Test Data Immediate End-of-Test Score Screen Report provides preliminary data 24 – 48 hours after uploading test data User Names and Passwords distributed to teachers by MAP Coordinator or School Administrator Go to and click on <Log In: Reports Site> Online reports for Survey w/ Goals Tests only 72 hours after district summary reports have been ordered Some Survey w/ Goals reports will be available Materials: None Reports: None Key Concepts: To inform participants of how they will receive data from Survey w/ Goals Tests Talking Points: All tests in MAP for Primary Grades have End-of-Test Score Screen Reports which can be printed for immediate use. Principals or MAP Coordinator must distribute User Name and Password information to all teachers. Within 24 – 48 hours of the uploading of test events, online reports may be accessed. Some Survey w/ Goal reports will be available for administrators to order at the Reports Site within 72 hours of closing the district testing window and ordering End-of-Term Reports (viewed through Crystal Reports Viewer). MAP for Primary Grades data displays in the Dynamic Reporting Suite platform. Activity: None Facilitator Notes: None Note: MAP for Primary Grades data now displays in the Dynamic Reporting Suite platform MAP for Primary Grades (Supplementary Component) Revised 7/2008 © 2008 Northwest Evaluation Association
Survey w/ Goals Reports: End-of-Test Score Screen Materials: None Reports: None Key Concepts: To inform participants of how they will receive data from the Survey w/ Goals Tests End-of-Test Score Screen Report Talking Points: Accessing/sharing this report: You may wish to print the End-of-Test Score Screen Report to provide immediate documentation of student RIT scores, however, this data will be available at the Reports Site within 24 - 48 hours after tests are uploaded. If you intend to print, make sure that student computers are mapped to a printer. Reading/interpreting this report: The overall RIT score gives general indicator of student instructional level in the area tested. Lexile score is only provided with Primary Reading 2 (PRI-READ-Survey w/Goals (Vocab,Comprehen,Writing). Goal area scores will match the goals in the MAP for Primary Grades Guidelines for Placing Students handout. Goal area scores are presented as a range because the students see fewer items in each goal. RIT scores link teachers to the Primary Grades Instructional Data document learning statements. Activity: None Facilitator Notes: None MAP for Primary Grades (Supplementary Component) Revised 7/2008 © 2008 Northwest Evaluation Association
Accessing Survey w/ Goals Online Reports Links to access various Survey w/ Goals reports and resources Materials: None Reports: None Key Concepts: To inform participants of how they will access online Survey w/ Goals reports Talking Points: MAP for Primary Grades Survey w/ Goals reports will be accessed through the links for Online Reports on the left navigation bar at the Reports Site. Activity: None Facilitator Notes: None MAP for Primary Grades MAP for Primary Grades Instructional Data MAP for Primary Grades (Supplementary Component) Revised 7/2008 © 2008 Northwest Evaluation Association
Survey w/ Goals Reports: Student Report – Class Roster Materials: None Reports: None Key Concepts: To inform participants of how they will receive data from Survey w/ Goals Tests Talking Points: The Survey w/ Goals tests offer two options for the Online Individual Student Progress Report – a graphic representation and a text version. Access the Online Individual Student Progress Reports by clicking on the <Class Roster> link, then click on student name. Graphic version of this report cannot be generated until student has at least two points of data on the same test. HI-AVG-LO will follow the same pattern; once performance norms are established, this identifier will display. Activity: None Facilitator Notes: None MAP for Primary Grades (Supplementary Component) Revised 7/2008 © 2008 Northwest Evaluation Association
Survey w/ Goals Reports: Teacher Report Materials: None Reports: None Key Concepts: To inform participants of how they will receive data from Survey w/ Goals Tests Talking Points: This report is accessible to teachers (and administrators) 24 – 48 hours after tests have been uploaded through the Reports Site which requires a User Name and Password for access. It provides a cumulative record of all students’ test events. It demonstrates diversity of class. Activity: None Facilitator Notes: None MAP for Primary Grades (Supplementary Component) Revised 7/2008 © 2008 Northwest Evaluation Association
Instructional Resources: Class by RIT Groups students with similar learning needs in reading and mathematics Click on <Mathematics> or <Reading> to go to breakdown by goal areas Use RIT ranges with the Primary Grades Instructional Data document to see learning statements aligned with student learning indicators Materials: None Reports: None Key Concepts: To inform participants of how they will receive data from Survey w/ Goals Tests Talking Points: This resource only comes with Survey w/ Goals Tests in MAP for Primary Grades system. Access Instructional Resources reports via the link on the left navigation bar at the Reports Site. The Class Breakdown by Overall RIT is the first view. The Class Breakdown by Overall RIT organizes students by 10 point RIT bands in reading and mathematics. Student names appear in columns by their overall RIT score in the subject. Click on the word <Mathematics> or <Reading> to access the Class Breakdown by Goal Report. The Class Breakdown by Goal reorganizes students into columns by 10 point RIT bands in every goal area tested. Primary Grades Instructional Data can be used alongside this report to identify content and skills students are ready to learn. Instructional Resources reports are important tools to assist teachers with grouping for instruction and identifying appropriate entry points for students into content and skill development. Activity: None Facilitator Notes: None MAP for Primary Grades (Supplementary Component) Revised 7/2008 © 2008 Northwest Evaluation Association