LO: Can I explore isolation through the possessions of an itinerant worker?
What would an itinerant worker carry on him?
“And these shelves were loaded with little articles, soap and talcum powder, razors and those Western magazines ranch men love to read and scoff at and secretly believe.”
What do these items tell you about itinerant workers? Can you connect it to the theme of isolation? For each of the items in the bindle write a short explanation about how it connects to the theme of isolation.
Liniment: A topical cream for the skin that helps with pain or rashes Liniment: A topical cream for the skin that helps with pain or rashes. Slug of Whiskey: Equivalent to a hipflask of whiskey. Pulp Magazine: During the 1920s-1950s, inexpensive fiction magazines Luger: The Luger pistol was an expensive, high maintenance weapon manufactured and used primarily in the German army.
Why do you think itinerant workers would mainly read magazines about westerns? “The kind of western magazine men would scoff at but secretly believe.”
Why is it so important? How can we link it to themes? Why did he cling to the letter by Bill Tanner published in the magazine? Think about Whit. Why is it so important? How can we link it to themes? “Whit found the place again, but he did not surrender his hold on it. He pointed out the letter with his forefinger. And then he went to his box shelf and laid the magazine carefully in. "I wonder if Bill seen it," he said. "Bill and me worked in that patch of field peas. Run cultivators, both of us. Bill was a hell of a nice fella.".”
Although Crooks has more possessions than the other men how does this only emphasize his isolation? “He was more permanent than the other men, and he had accumulated more possessions than he could carry on his back. Crooks possessed several pairs of shoes, a pair of rubber boots, a big alarm clock, and a single-barreled shot-gun. There were battered magazines and a few dirty books on a special shelf over his bunk. A pair of large gold-rimmed spectacles hung from a nail on the wall above his bed.”
What do Crooks’ possessions tell us about him? Think about the symbolism… “He was more permanent than the other men, and he had accumulated more possessions than he could carry on his back. Crooks possessed several pairs of shoes, a pair of rubber boots, a big alarm clock, and a single-barreled shot-gun. There were battered magazines and a few dirty books on a special shelf over his bunk. A pair of large gold-rimmed spectacles hung from a nail on the wall above his bed.”
How is the theme of isolation reflected in the possessions of the itinerant workers? Answer this question – use quotes and try to look for symbolism.
(Point) What you’re saying. (Evidence) “…………(One or two word quotation)……………” (Explanation) Connotations. Effect on reader. Images it builds up. Other possible meanings to the word. The use of the (adjective/noun/simile/verb etc) makes the reader feel… This creates the impression… This is effective because… The connotations of the (adjective/noun/simile/verb etc) are… On the other hand…
Sophisticated and impressive Peer Assessment! A* Sophisticated and impressive Sophisticated interpretation Sophisticated engagement Sophisticated and detailed analysis of language and structure Perceptive and mature comments A Confident and assured Confident and developed interpretations Engagement with ideas Analyses language and structure convincingly B Clear and consistent Clear evidence of understanding Explain ideas clearly Able to explore significant elements Understand features of language C Some Shows awareness of meanings Aware of some of writers ideas Uses quotations Make some relevant comments