HF/HE Electronics Radiation Testing Prior testing [HF, summer 2015] monitoring of the current from the power supply monitoring of registers in the QIE card and ngCCM via the control system (this included all FPGA and QIE registers and temperature, voltage and current sensors) monitoring of the data readout. Failed due to Problem in ngCCM control link QIE card wasn’t properly configured. Additional problem Post irradiation tests not possible due to activation of cards.
This is a good conceptual model Plan: Get readout working at Fermilab Write appropriate monitoring software Versions exist. Do high rate testing prior to radiation test Problems No ngCCM, thus testing emulator. (The CCM was a problem in HF testing.) Dearth of VTTx’s? (Seems to not be the concern it once was.) Equipment activated…can’t do long term testing? Check where HE will be vs. HF and compare integrated doses.
Bigger Picture HF intends to do a test in mid-October Significant overlap of components QIE chips already tested to much higher dose Overlap of components incomplete, plus different boards and the like. Still, HF testing is significantly similar to HE.
Bigger Picture [HE test] Pros Earlier is generally better Review coming up in November(?) and want to say “tested and OK.” Opportunistic availability of CHARM facility in mid-October Cons No ngCCM Use ngCCM emulator, which wasn’t designed to be rad hard Could be a significant limitation Will likely activate entire crate Not available for effectively forever If resources are limited and the electronics will be quarantined, it is unclear to me that this is a valuable exercise until final components are available.
Plan if loss of electronics is acceptable Work at Fermilab to get electronics running stably get software in good shape. Currently looks for time dependences of read back of registers Could, instead, look for unexpected values. (Needs good understanding of data structure.) Transfer firmware and software to CERN test stand Personnel (proposed) Nadja and Don, with guidance from Andrew. (Maybe Joe too?) Tullio will presumably provide technical expertise. Since HF will be testing concurrently, running can presumably include HF people (Tote?)