3rd Grade Science Renae Schalk The Layers of the Earth 3rd Grade Science Renae Schalk
Objectives Learn the names and be able to identify the 4 layers of the Earth Describe the basic properties of each layer Remember the order of the layers
The earth is made up of layers! Pre-Assessment The earth is made up of layers! How many can you name? Using the text tool, type as many names of the layers you know.
Pre-Assessment Another task before we start: Use the pencil tool to draw a picture of what you think the layers look like if you were to cut the earth in half. Use the pencil tool to draw a line to each layer so I can see how many layers you drew. Don’t worry about being right or wrong, just see how much you might already know about the earth’s layers.
Introduction to the Layers To get us familiar with the names of the 4 layers, click on the YouTube link below to listen to a song about earth’s layers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IF9amNteUXc
The 4 Layers of the earth By now, you might know that the earth is made up of 4 main layers: 1 - Crust 2 - Mantle 3 – Outer Core 4 – Inner Core
Layer Temperatures Inner Core Crust Mantle Outer Core -129°F to 159° F The purpose of this isn’t to necessarily make you memorize the temperatures of each of the layers, but to take notice that the deeper into the earth we get, the hotter the temperatures get. 6,000°F to 10,00° F Inner Core 9,000°F to 13,000° F SmartArt
The Crust – First Layer The outermost layer Categorized into two parts: 1. The oceanic crust and 2. The continental crust The oceanic crust is made mostly of hardened lava! The continental crust is what we live on! This is the only layer we can survive on. Go over the picture to show students the two parts of the crust.
Student Practice! Use the raise your hand tool to “raise your hand” if you can answer the following question on the next slide. I will then “call on” you and ask you to tell us the answer using your audio tool to speak into your microphone.
What are the two parts of the crust? Student Practice What are the two parts of the crust? 1? 2?
Student Practice The answer is: The crust is made of two parts – the oceanic and continental crust.
Questions? Does anyone have questions so far? If so, use the text tool to type your question(s). Don’t be afraid to ask!
The Mantle – 2nd Layer The thickest of earth’s layers The mantle is like an underground ocean of liquid rock The mantle, like the crust, can also be separated into two layers: 1. The lower mantle 2. The upper mantle
Focused Listing Using the text tool, type as many characteristics/words that you can think of describing the 2nd layer, the Mantle.
The Outer Core – 3rd Layer The outer core is the liquid layer surrounding the inner core (our 4th layer) This layer is responsible for the magnetic field surrounding the earth!
Student Practice Using the poll tool, cast your vote for the following question: The outer core is a solid layer protecting the inner core. True or False?
Student Practice The answer is: False The outer core is liquid!
The Inner Core – 4th Layer It is believed the inner core is a solid ball of metal The metal that makes up the inner core is thought to be iron and nickel
Outer Core Vs. Inner Core Liquid Layer Responsible for the magnetic field surrounding earth Surrounds the inner core Inner Core Solid ball of metal The metal is iron and nickel Is inside of the outer core The outer core and inner core have similar names and could easily be confused. Let’s compare the two side by side to review their differences.
Student Practice Use your shape tool to circle all of the following statements that are TRUE about the Inner Core: The inner core is made up of iron and nickel Humans could survive on the inner core The inner core is made up of solid metal The inner core surrounds the outer core
Student Practice Answers: The inner core is made up of iron and nickel Humans could survive on the inner core The inner core is made up of solid metal The inner core surrounds the outer core
Post-Assessment Let’s see what you learned! Using the shapes tool, circle the correct number of layers earth has: 2 4 5 7 Orally tell students the correct number after they have all circled an answer.
Post-Assessment Using the text tool, answer the following questions. 1) List the four layers of the earth in order from outermost layer to innermost layer. 2) Which layer is the only layer we can survive on, in other words, which layer do we live on? (Use the text tool to type your answer). Questions are continued on the next slide! Again, orally go over this with students and flash back through the presentation if necessary.
Post-Assessment Questions continued… 3) Which layer is the thickest? 4) Which layer is a liquid? 5) Which layer is a solid ball of metal?
Extension of Learning Activity For learning more about the layers of the earth, click the link below to flip through digital flashcards https://quizlet.com/1787474/flashcards Click on the speaker button for the flashcards to be read aloud and you can listen and follow along
References https://quizlet.com/74512149/chapter-6-earths- crust3rd-grade-science-flash-cards/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IF9amNteUXc http://www.explorationworks.org/wp- content/uploads/2013/11/Geology-Layers-of-the- Earth-Lesson-plan-grades-2351.pdf