Project Board Meeting
Agenda Continued Demand Status Project Progress/ Challenges TPP on GIS Data Support PSDC Demo Next Steps Q & A Closed Board Session Quick review of today’s agenda
Demand continues FY08 permit volume Y-T-D: 532,008 ( as of EOM July) 6.4 % increase over last year 22.6% increase from three years ago (FY05) 39.8% increase from five years ago (FY03)
Progress-to-Date (since last meeting) Let’s take a minute to look at what’s been accomplished since we last met
Milestones (MS) MS 3 – Project Planning MS 2 – Joint Application Design (JAD) MS 2 Design Documents were reviewed, modified, approved and paid for MS 3 – Project Planning Deliverables included plans to address data acquisition, conversion and integration; infrastructure development; application development; security considerations; testing; documentation; marketing; and implementation/transition. Deliverables cycled, approved and paid for At our last meeting our focus was on the JAD sessions that were felt needed to ensure full stakeholder involvement in establishing the detail design elements of the solution. These had been planned out, conducted, summarized and utilized in the developing the design documents which had just been delivered prior to the last Board meeting. These were reviewed in detail went through modification cycles and were approved and paid for. We then moved on to Planning how those approved designs were going to be accomplished. The project Planning documents of MS 3 were many and significant. No offense to PSDC but they replaced my sleeping pills throughout the whole review process. Seriously though, these were needed documents to ensure we have a plan to make this happen.
Milestones (cont.) MS 4 – WBS and Project Scheduling Deliverables included: Expanded WBS & Dictionary Expanded RAM, & Critical Path docs Proposed Work Schedule Phase 1 Close activities Deliverables were presented, reviewed, adjusted, approved and paid for. Phase 1 was completed and closed!! The planning led to establishing the detail work efforts, assigning responsibility for those work items and putting together a work schedule to make it happen
Milestones (cont.) MS 5 – Data Acquisition/Integration Phase 2 is currently underway Kickoff with appropriate stakeholders was accomplished MS 5 – Data Acquisition/Integration Acquired Tele-Atlas state wide data Pilot Area GIS map has been delivered and is under review We are now in Phase 2 and our kick-off which included District, Bridge, TPP, PAV, TSD and MCD personnel as well as some of our key customers from the Customer Work Group. It went really well and all parties seem to be really keen on getting involved in this Phase. The Tele-Atlas data associated with MS 5 has been acquired and paid for and the integration between it and available TxDOT data for the Pilot area has been accomplished and is currently in the final stages of review and validation.
Milestones (cont.) MS 6 – Prototypes Restrictions Management; Routing; and Reporting prototypes are ready for MCD testing and validation. Pilot Area Districts will be brought in, trained and begin their testing and assessment in early September We have been paralleling MS 5 with MS6 which is the Prototype development and these are ready for testing in the Pilot Area first by MCD staff and then by Districts and others
Challenges TxDOT Data Issues Interim solution is to proceed without and use the Permits Map Book as primary source of key data for prototyping. Bridge laser project will resolve bridge location and clearance issues. TRM roadway attributes will either have to be resolved or TxPROS will be less than it could be. We have encountered a number of Challenges along the way and I’d like to discuss three of these. First is our challenges with TxDOT data.
Challenges (cont.) TxDOT Cost Reductions/Reorg Staff losses putting strain on various areas ability to support the project’s needs Competing priorities for available staff Interim solution is controlled delays (deliverables dates) but maintaining commitment to end date Long term continuation could impact end date
Challenges (cont.) Permit Section Resources Work load coupled with personnel turn over limits resources available for analysis and testing Interim solution is using overtime and controlled service levels to maintain acceptable performance in both arenas (production and TxPROS). Working with HRD on posting, hiring, and retention approaches Long term continuation could impact end date
TPP GIS Data Support Mr. Randall is going to give us an update on TPP support capability, Jim……….
Pilot Area and Prototypes Demo PSDC Pilot Area and Prototypes Demo Here we turn the session over to PSDC for them to demo prototypes
Next Steps
Short Term Pilot Area Validation (to complete MS5) Combination of manual and automated validation of the conflated TxDOT data with the Tele-Atlas data for the 5 District Pilot area. Prototype Testing/RAD (to complete MS 6) Restrictions Management, Routing and Reporting Management modules will first be tested and shook out by Permits staff and then selected District personnel (selected by them) will be trained and do their testing to provide feedback.
Short Term (cont.) Pilot Area Data Maintenance (MS 7) This is to pilot the program that will be accomplishing the quarterly updates once in production. The same 5 District pilot area will be updated with newly released data from Tele-atlas and TxDOT and validated as it was in MS 5. Pilot Area System Integration testing (MS 8) Having previously tested all the modules in stand alone mode, this testing ensures the integration of the of the sub-systems and data from application to application Phase 2 close out and Intermediate Deadline A (which has been moved to 10/30/08)
Long Term Phase 3 – Statewide Application Pilot area GIS approach taken state wide with validation. Restrictions, Routing, Reporting and Map Maintenance modules readied for state wide usage. State wide system integration testing. Training material drafted. Phase 4 – Performance/Acceptance Testing Systems ability to perform under duress (stress testing), benchmarking and final assurance that all requirements (business and technical) have been met. Intermediate Deadline B
Long Term (cont.) Phase 5 – Training, Marketing, & Documentation Final Versions of Training & Marketing materials Final version End-user & Technical Documentation Training & Marketing Schedules Training & marketing Campaigns Phase 6 – Implementation & Acceptance Implement TxPROS Statewide Solution Transition Validation Phase & Project Closings
Q & A
Project Board Closed Session Discussion on “CPS Modernization” proposal from PSDC
Routing Texas into the future