Year Three and Four Mrs L Bramhill (Y3/4) Mr S Hindle (Y4)


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Presentation transcript:

Year Three and Four Mrs L Bramhill (Y3/4) Mr S Hindle (Y4)

Uniform Name in everything please, inc water bottles. Letter sent out last year. White/black trainers for PE, red shirt, black shorts/trousers for in/outdoor, socks (tights), trainers, outdoor jackets/indoor, plasters. Progressively be able to tie their own tie and change independently into their PE kit quickly. No jewellery other than small studs. No painted nails.

Timetable Reading, Literacy, Maths am daily Spelling and SPaG lessons Science, Topic, ICT, ART/DT, Music, French in pms PE kits on Monday and home on Friday – we may have opportunities/require a change. If you do need it in the week, please ensure FULL kit is available on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Interventions as required (later in the year) help children ‘keep up’ rather than ‘catch up’ or extend further. Milk in the morning Topics

Home Reading Books and Homework diaries Reading books to be brought everyday. Please ensure scheme books are the priority for practising reading, fluency, expression and comprehension. 3-5 15mins sessions per week… Can read own books at home as well to encourage further enjoyment/widen text experience – this can be shared reading… Can change once signed that it has been finished. (remember quality not quantity)… Children will write in diary dates, homework. Please ask chn to show teachers if there are messages.

Home learning If you value it, they will… It is theirs, don’t be tempted do it for them… Ensure a positive experience…learning is fun if we choose it to be. Short, quick reinforcements. Homework will reinforce concepts covered during the week or offer opportunities to further investigative principles. If supported, please annotate the homework with a short comment. Differentiated for children to complete at their stage. Generally out on Mondays and in on Thursday…

Learning Logs Learning log menu… Idea is to share in the enjoyment of discovery and creation in the areas that your children enjoy most over an extended period of time High quality

Assessment Assessment is a continual process, informing teaching and learning daily…nota barrage of tests! Half termly ‘formal’ assessments based around that period of learning… Any areas that could do with extra support at home will be identified and hopefully you will continue to reinforce at home.

Parental Support in school If you would like to support in school, please speak to class teachers and leave your contact details in the office. Library, in class, events, readers, gardening…many areas you can offer your valuable skills. Friends of Travis is still running – text message communication?

Website and ICT A lot of information is on the website… Several ways to contact the school, leave comments or ask questions in ways that are beneficial to all. A reminder not to write any child’s name in full as this does not offer them the e-safety protection they need. New avenues being explored

A last note on enabling your child… Sleep, nutrition, exercise and time for stillness and reflection. (Reduced distractions) We all want to help children to become increasingly self-reliant across their life and education. Help to create strategies where they can be mindful and responsible and feel empowered through having ownership and expectations in the home routines.

Thank you Thank you for your support. Just being here shows you value your child’s school education and the positive results people of all ages can achieve when working together.