Employment and labor law of Russian federation Lector: PhD in Law Rustem Nazmetdinov
Russian labor and employment law regulates labor and employment relations between employer and employees.
Russian labor and employment law regulates also other relations directly associated with employment and labor relations: 1. Organisation of employment and employment management;
relations directly associated with employment and labor relations: employment with a given employer relations directly associated with employment and labor relations:
relations directly associated with employment and labor relations: professional training, retraining and professional development of employees at the given employer; relations directly associated with employment and labor relations:
relations directly associated with employment and labor relations: social partnership, carrying out collective negotiations, concluding collective contracts and agreements relations directly associated with employment and labor relations:
relations directly associated with employment and labor relations: participation of employees and trade unions in the establishment of working conditions and application of labour legislation in cases envisaged in the legislation; relations directly associated with employment and labor relations:
relations directly associated with employment and labor relations: material liability of employers and employees in the labour sphere; relations directly associated with employment and labor relations:
relations directly associated with employment and labor relations: enforcement and control (including trade union control) over observation of the labour legislation (including the legislation on safety measures) and other normative legal acts containing labour law norms; relations directly associated with employment and labor relations:
relations directly associated with employment and labor relations: resolving labour (collective) and employment (individual) disputes relations directly associated with employment and labor relations:
relations directly associated with employment and labor relations: mandatory social insurance in the cases envisaged by federal laws. relations directly associated with employment and labor relations:
relations directly associated with employment and labor relations: mandatory social insurance in the cases envisaged by federal laws. relations directly associated with employment and labor relations:
freedom of work, including the right to work, which is chosen freely by everybody, or to which everybody agrees freely, the right to be the master of one's own abilities to work, to choose a profession and occupation Main Principles of the Legal Regulation of Labour and employment Relations
protection against unemployment and assistance in employment prohibition of forced labour and discrimination in the employment sphere protection against unemployment and assistance in employment Main Principles of the Legal Regulation of Labour and employment Relations
ensuring the rights of each employee to fair working conditions, including working conditions meeting the safety and hygiene requirements, right to leisure, including restriction of working time, providing daily rest, days-off and holidays, paid annual leave Main Principles of the Legal Regulation of Labour and employment Relations
equality of rights and opportunities of employees; ensuring the right of each employee to the timely payment in full of fair earnings providing for a humane existence of the employee himself and his family at no less than the minimum amount of labour remuneration fixed by federal law; Main Principles of the Legal Regulation of Labour and employment Relations
ensuring equality of opportunities of employees without any discrimination in promotion taking into account labour productivity, qualification and tenure in the occupation, as well as in professional training, retraining and professional development; ensuring the right of employees and employers to unite to protect their rights and interests, including the right of employees to create trade unions and join them; Main Principles of the Legal Regulation of Labour and employment Relations
ensuring the right of employees to take part in the management of the organisation in the forms envisaged in legislation; combination of state and contractual regulation of labour relations and other relations directly associated with them; Main Principles of the Legal Regulation of Labour and employment Relations
social partnership, including the right of employees, employers, their associations in contractual regulation of labour relations and other relations directly associated with them; obligatory compensation for the harm incurred by the employee because of his execution of labour duties; Main Principles of the Legal Regulation of Labour and employment Relations
instituting state guarantees to ensure the rights of employees and employers, implementation of state enforcement of and control over their observation; ensuring the right of everyone to protection of his labour rights and liberties by the state, in particular in court; Main Principles of the Legal Regulation of Labour and employment Relations
ensuring the right of resolution of personal and collective labour disputes, including the right to a strike according to the procedure specified in the Labour Code and other federal laws; Main Principles of the Legal Regulation of Labour and employment Relations
obligation of the parties of a labour contract to observe the terms of the concluded contract, including the right of the employer to demand that the employees execute their labour duties and treat carefully the property of the employer and the right of the employees to demand that the employer to observe his duties with respect to employees, labour legislation and other acts containing labour legislation norms; Main Principles of the Legal Regulation of Labour and employment Relations
ensuring the right for obligatory social insurance of employees. ensuring the right of the representatives of trade unions to implement trade union control over observation of the labour legislation and other acts containing labour legislation norms; ensuring the right to employees to protect their dignity in the period of their work; ensuring the right for obligatory social insurance of employees. Main Principles of the Legal Regulation of Labour and employment Relations