Wright State Physicians 2013 Purpose This training is designed to assist you in safe handling of liquid nitrogen. Wright State Physicians 2013
What’s the big deal? Its only Liquid Nitrogen! What could go wrong Here is a picture of Liquid Nitrogen on the hand Wright State Physicians 2013
Wright State Physicians 2013 Acute Exposure Signs and symptoms of overexposure to nitrogen may include; Nausea Drowsiness blue coloration of the skin and lips Unconsciousness death Wright State Physicians 2013
Wright State Physicians 2013 Storage Guidelines Liquid nitrogen must be only in well-ventilated areas If working in a closed area, use an oxygen alarm to alert anyone in the room of oxygen-deficient atmosphere before dangerous levels are reached Keep tanks in upright position in cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from heavy traffic areas Nitrogen may not be stored with other compressed gases, such as oxygen or ozone Wright State Physicians 2013
More Storage Guidelines Store Liquid Nitrogen In cool and dry area Well-ventilated space In a tightly sealed container Wright State Physicians 2013
Personal Protective Equipment Use of PPE is mandatory when decanting or entering an open container of liquid nitrogen to include; Wearing cryo gloves loose enough so they can be thrown off easily and rapidly Shielding skin with lab jackets, or long sleeved shirts and trousers Rubber aprons, overalls without pockets or cuffs, and high top shoes are preferred Chemical splash goggles and face shield to guard against splashes and possible vessel rupture causing flying debris Wright State Physicians 2013
What should I do if the liquid spills? Allow the Liquid Nitrogen to evaporate Wright State Physicians 2013
Wright State Physicians 2013 Nitrogen is a simple asphyxiant that is without other significant physiologic effects. Inhalation of nitrogen is dangerous only when it lowers the available oxygen in air to below life-sustaining levels Principle hazard associated with liquid nitrogen is rapid freezing of fingers, hands, or other tissues that contact the liquid Wright State Physicians 2013
Wright State Physicians 2013 Chronic Exposure No signs or symptoms of chronic exposure to nitrogen have been reported in humans Wright State Physicians 2013
What PPE should be worn when handling Liquid Nitrogen? Wright State Physicians 2013
Thank you for participating. Check with your supervisor as to where your department’s PPE are stored. For further questions, contact your supervisor or Marta Kennedy, Compliance Director at (937) 245-7130 marta.kennedy@wrightstatephysicians.org Please complete the Liquid Nitrogen Quiz and submit answers to your supervisor. Wright State Physicians 2013