The Frank Family
Life in Germany Otto and Edith Frank settled in Frankfurt, Germany after they married Margot Betti Frank was born in 1926 Annelies Marie Frank was born in 1929 1933- Hitler takes over and Otto and Edith become worried and look for a means of escape
Emigration Plans March 1933- Otto and Edith decided to leave Germany for the Netherlands: Otto was offered a business opportunity by his brother-in-law, Erich Elias Edith Frank with Anne and Margot— their last photo in Germany
A New Start In the netherlands Otto Frank sets up a business in Amsterdam The Franks feel safe again– Anne and Margot attend school again and Edith takes care of the house World War II breaks out– May 1940 Germany invades the Netherlands– the Franks are in danger again 'In the Netherlands, after those experiences in Germany, it was as if our life was restored to us. In those days it was possible for us to start over and to feel free.' -- Otto Frank
The German invasion 1940 Anti-Jewish measures (restrictions) are put in place in the Netherlands Anne must attend a special Jewish school– and now the swimming pool, cinema, and tram are off-limits Increasing restrictions are placed on Otto’s business Margot is called up to be sent to a labour camp in Germany The Franks decide to go into hiding
The hiding place 1942 They go into hiding in the Secret Annex in Otto’s place of business Four other Jews are in the Annex besides the Franks: Hermann and Auguste van Pels (van Daan), their son, Peter, and Fritz Pfeffer(Dr. Dussel) Everyone lives in constant fear of discovery And it’s certainly not easy for eight people to live in such close quarters ‘Not being able to go outside upsets me more than I can say, and I'm terrified our hiding place will be discovered and that we'll be shot.' Anne Frank
The helpers Four of Otto’s employees help them: Miep Gies, Victor Kugler, Johannes Kleiman, and Bep Voskuijl The helpers arrange food, clothes, books and all sorts of other necessities In addition, they keep the people in hiding up-to-date with the news from Amsterdam
A Diary as a best friend Anne Frank starts keeping a diary from her thirteenth birthday. She takes the diary to the hiding place, of course. Anne enters the Secret Annex as a girl, but grows into a young woman there. She spends more time thinking about life, and records her thoughts in her diary. She names her diary “Kitty” She also writes short stories and favorite sentences from other writers Anne hopes her diary is published as a novel after the war (starts rewriting it)
A day in the secret annex
Explore the Secret annex