Cybersecurity of Internet of Things – Risks and Opportunities Alexandre Karlov, JINR 29.09.2017 1
The Internet not only brought bridges between people, countries and continents, but also brought the criminals closer to the victims. The Internet of Things has further strengthened the latest trend.
Internet of Things = Internet + Things Internet is “a global network connecting many billions of hardware devices, providing a variety of information and communication facilities and consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols”
“Things” refers to any physical objects that has its own IP address and can connect to a network to send/receive data via network – “smart” things. The term "the Internet of Things" was coined by Kevin Ashton in 1999.
Source: McKinsay
Some of the “Smart” Applications Smart Home Industry Automation Smart Medicine Smart City
Smart Home System Architecture
- HD WiFi security camera - Sound machine The First All-in One Voiced Controlled Smart Baby Monitor That Grows with Your Child - Baby monitor - Speaker - Smart light - HD WiFi security camera - Sound machine “Aristotle” is using artificial intelligence, natural language interactions and Internet of Things technologies to create a cloud-connected platform for Junior’s nursery. -rooms/96081330/
Wearable “smart” gadgets Fitness trackers, body mounted cameras, smart watches, heart rate monitors, virtual reality glasses, GPS tracking device, etc.
Do you say the first: “I need my T-shirt to tell me about air pollution” No: This is manufacturer who is looking for the new market area to get a profit.
Now: At many cases manufacturer creates demand !!! Demand creates supply ??? Now: At many cases manufacturer creates demand !!!
The Dangers of Smart Medicine Black Hat Hacker Says Insulin Pump Maker Medtronic Belittles Security Flaw Diabetic security researcher Jerome Radcliffe, who hacked his insulin pump at Black Hat, accused Medtronic of not taking security of its devices or his research seriously…There is no way for the pump to identify which commands come from a trusted system and which are malicious. With his technique, it is possible to program a special remote control to command strangers' pumps to dispense the wrong dose of insulin, which could have fatal consequences if diabetics are given too little or too much. eWeek, August 25, 2011 By: Fahmida Y. Rashid What Dick Cheney's Heart Teaches Us About Security “….Former U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney admitted that he was worried hackers could hack his heart….Cheney’s Cardiologist, Dr. Jonathan Reiner, ordered that the heart defibrillator's wireless features be disabled for fear that a hacker could somehow get access and kill Cheney…..” . eWeek, October 21, 2013 By: Sean Michael Kerner
21 octobre 2016 – 7 am ET More than 70 Services only in USA were blocked (BBC, CNN, Fox News, PayPal, VISA, etc) 17
BOTNET - based DDoS attack Reason ? BOTNET - based DDoS attack ROBOT + NETWORK Special feature: Using the Internet of Things
Building Blocks of “smart thing” CPU, ROM, PROM, RAM Communication Library, Protocol Smartphone, Tablet, Cloud “Red” – are the sensitive points for unauthorized access Widespread use of default passwords and unpatched firmware mean that compromising the devices is relatively easy for the attacker
ZigBee Wireless Protocol (Toshiba, Philips, Huawei, Sony, Siemens, Samsung, Motorola, and many more ….) Standart: IEEE 802.15.4 Application: Industrial, medical, scientific, home .... Physical range: 10 – 20 meters (max up to 100)
ZigBee protocol ZigBee is a popular smart-home wireless communication standard used by the majority of Internet of Things (IoT) devices today. ZigBee protocol, which lets IoT devices talk to each other, is implemented by major vendors including Toshiba, Philips, Huawei, Sony, Siemens, Samsung, Motorola, and many more. The worse part pointed out by the researcher is that there is nothing users could do to make their smart devices more secure, and since the flaw affects a broad range of devices, it's quite unclear how quickly vendors will come up with a fix.
ZigBee Chain Reaction The worm spreads by jumping directly from one object to its neighbors, using only their built-in ZigBee wireless connectivity and their physical proximity.
Bluetooth Distances for Bluetooth devices depend very much on the environment. In tests at Brain Boxes labs distances of over 200m were achieved with line of sight and 30- 35m in a typical office environment.
8 billion devices worldwide. Security researchers from Armis found (September,2017) eight vulnerabilities in Bluetooth implementations (Android, iOS, Windows and Linux) used by more than 8 billion devices worldwide. The set of vulnerabilities was called BlueBorne.
Smart Devices can be reprogrammed by criminals
As a result: tens of millions of the smart devices can be organized in a powerful botnet to send many millions of malicious requests to victim.
Malicious requests from tens of millions of IP addresses Dyn Servers 1,2 1.2 TB/sec Domain Name System Infrastructure Malicious requests from tens of millions of IP addresses
Shodan, Censys, etc… scanners It is quite easy to locate vulnerable devices and hack them by using search engines like Shodan and Censys. “Shodan, a search engine for the Internet of Things (IoT), recently launched a new section that lets users easily browse vulnerable webcams. ….. The feed includes images of marijuana plantations, back rooms of banks, children, kitchens, living rooms, garages, front gardens, back gardens, ski slopes, swimming pools, colleges and schools, laboratories, and cash register cameras in retail stores …..” (by exploiting the Real Time Streaming Protocol, RTSP, port 554)
Vulnerabilities of IoT: Why ? (1) There are no standards or mandatory official recommendations for the security of the Internet of Things, because of the huge variety of devices. There are no legislative acts regulating responsibility between the manufacturer, the seller and the client in case of incidents with a device connected to the network Manufacturers, trying to reduce their costs, radically save on security.
Vulnerabilities of IoT: Why ? (2) For most users, low cost is much more important than security. Users do not consider themselves to be a serious target for intruders and do not even care about recommended security measures (strong passwords, patch updates, certified downloads)
When you connect to the Internet, the Internet connects to you !
A drone hacks a room full of smart lightbulbs
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