World Population Migration
Migration The balance between arrivals in to a country and departures from a country impacts on change in population.
Immigration and Emigration Immigration refers to the movement of people in to a country Canada's 20000 Syrian refugee plan 'troubling' if it excludes men Emigration refers to movement out of a country.
Why do people leave their home country and move to another? Push and pull factors Push makes a person want to leave: lack of employment, poor education system, lack of democracy Pull factors are those advantageous conditions in the receiving country make a person want to go there: good social programs, clean environment, or joining friends and family who have already emigrated.
Immigrants Refugees-defined by the UN as someone whose reasons for moving are genuinely to do with fear of persecution or death. Asylum seeker- a person who seeks to gain entry to another country by claiming to be a victim of persecution, hardship or some other compelling circumstance.
Where have recent new Canadians immigrated from?
Countries create immigration policies 1. If Canada has a low birth rate, and still wants to grow, what kind of immigration policies do you think we should enact?(3pts) Remember the Canada 100 Million Video Also consider the 25000 Syrian refugees
Countries create immigration policies 2. Where have many recent Canadians immigrated from? Provide a brief summary based on the stats Canada web site including some numbers (3pts) 3. Describe and list a few places where many immigrants settle within Canada. (3pts) 4. Do you agree or not with some of the views discussed on the Canada 100 Million documentary? EX: Should new immigrants be told where to settle within Canada? Why or why not (3pts)