Digestive Compartments I. Key iterms Tiêu hóa Digestive di'dʒestiv Compartments kəm'pɑ:tmənt intracellular ,intrə'seljulə endocytosis vacuoles vækjuələ Extracellula ekstrə'seljulə continuous kən'tinjuəs Gastrovascular cavity distribution distri'bju:∫n nutrients 'nju:triənt Xoang, khoang Bên trong tế bào Phân giải bên trong Không bào Bên ngoài tế bào Tiếp diễn Xoang dạ dày mạch Phân bố Dinh dưỡng
II. Fill in the blank Most animals process food in specialized……………………. These compartments reduce the risk of an animal digesting its own cells and………….. In …………………………………… ..., food particles are engulfed by …………………. and digested within food vacuoles (amoeba, hydra) ………………………………………..… is the breakdown of food particles outside of cells It occurs in compartments that are ……………………with the outside of the animal’s body Animals with simple body plans have a ………………………………………that functions in both digestion and …………………………..of nutrients compartments tissues intracellular digestion endocytosis Extracellular digestion continuous gastrovascular cavity distribution
Digestive Compartments III. Please translate the following passage Most animals process food in specialized compartments These compartments reduce the risk of an animal digesting its own cells and tissues In intracellular digestion, food particles are engulfed by endocytosis and digested within food vacuoles (amoeba, hydra) Extracellular digestion is the breakdown of food particles outside of cells It occurs in compartments that are continuous with the outside of the animal’s body Animals with simple body plans have a gastrovascular cavity that functions in both digestion and distribution of nutrients
Intracellular Digestion Tentacles Food Gastrovascular cavity Mouth Figure 41.8 Digestion in a hydra Epidermis Gastrodermis
Digestive Compartments IV. Home work Please translate the following passage More complex animals have a digestive tube with two openings, a mouth and an anus This digestive tube is called a complete digestive tract or an alimentary canal It can have specialized regions that carry out digestion and absorption in a stepwise fashion
Crop stores and moistens Fig. 41-9a Crop stores and moistens Gizzard pulvarizes food with the aid of sand particles Esophagus Intestine enzymatic digestion and absorption Pharynx sucks food Anus Mouth Figure 41.9a Variation in alimentary canals Typhlosole Lumen of intestine (a) Earthworm
Foregut Midgut Hindgut Esophagus Rectum Anus Crop Mouth Gastric cecae Fig. 41-9b Foregut Midgut Hindgut most of the digestion occurs in this section Esophagus Rectum Anus Crop food is stored and moistened Figure 41.9b Variation in alimentary canals Mouth Gastric cecae digestion and absorption (b) Grasshopper
Stomach Gizzard Intestine Mouth Esophagus Crop Anus (c) Bird Fig. 41-9c Stomach Gizzard Intestine Mouth Esophagus Crop Anus Figure 41.9c Variation in alimentary canals (c) Bird