This week we have really enjoyed learning about the job roles of vets. Newsletter Reception Class 5th February 2016 Literacy During literacy this week we have been reading the story of ‘Mog and the Vet’ by Judith Kerr. We have talked about the roles of vets and have had the chance to look at real equipment used by vets. This encouraged us to write out own sentences about vets. We have been working very hard to try to remember our capital letters, finger spaces and full stops! This week we have really enjoyed learning about the job roles of vets. We have been looking at what they do and all the different instruments and tools which they use. We have especially enjoyed applying this knowledge in the Vets role play Surgery. In addition to this we have been looking at E-Safety. We have been learning about how to stay safe when we use the internet. We enjoyed participating in the E-Safety day. Phonics We have learnt the following sounds from phase 3 this week. These sounds are igh and oa. We have also learnt the tricky words was and my. Maths This week we have been learning to tell the time. We can now read o’clock and half past times. We can also relate time to events. Well done Reception! Notices Please can all homework be completed and be returned by Tuesday. This weeks homework is sound igh (ie), and oa. Your child also has a small task to complete in their learning together book. I would like this to be returned by Wednesday. Many thanks, Miss Brown.