Taken from WorldSkills presentations CIS Features Taken from WorldSkills presentations ES2016_MAT_PPT_CIS
These slides are based on the presentations for Experts at WSC2015. introduction These slides are based on the presentations for Experts at WSC2015. Please remember: “objective” assessment is now referred to as “measurement” “subjective” assessment has been removed and is replaced by “judgement”. ES2016_MAT_PPT_CIS
‘New’ Cis import spreadsheet All skill competitions will use this new spreadsheet ES2016_MAT_PPT_CIS
‘New’ Cis import spreadsheet Type of Aspect ‘O’ – Objective ‘S’ – Subjective ‘J’ – Judgement For Judgement Aspects enter scores 0 to 3 But for Objective and Subjective leave blank Add Extra Aspect Information to assist Marking Team. Must add description for all Judgement aspects For ALL aspects reference to the WSESS section ES2016_MAT_PPT_CIS
Referencing every aspect to the WSESS Reference all aspects to the section of the WSESS. You can only enter one section – if aspect refers to several sections enter the most appropriate ES2016_MAT_PPT_CIS
A specific description needs to be inserted to clearly indicate to the marking team exactly what they would be considering for that score to be a 0, 1, 2 or 3. Scores for Judgement aspects Judgement aspects ‘J’ indicates a judgement aspect ES2016_MAT_PPT_CIS
Worldskills EUROPE Standards Specifications Each skill must have the Worldskills Europe Standards Specification (WSESS) entered into CIS ES2016_MAT_PPT_CIS
altering wsEss section in assessment criteria Select new WSESS section ES2016_MAT_PPT_CIS
WsEss mark allocation table Marks that have been allocated to each section of the WSESS Mark weighting for each section of the WSESS ES2016_MAT_PPT_CIS
Judgement Marking forms 3 columns for the score entry for each of the 3 judges in the judgement aspect marking team ES2016_MAT_PPT_CIS
Landscape marking forms Note the use of ‘extra aspect description lines’ to provide extra information for the marking team ES2016_MAT_PPT_CIS
Landscape marking forms Suitable for if you need to observe and mark many Competitors at once This is for the convenience of Experts Can be used for measurement or judgement Aspects After marking the team to check that the scores comply with the ‘Judgement Marking Rules’ and are transferred to a master marking form for data entry The completed master form must be retained as an audit trail. ES2016_MAT_PPT_CIS
Compatriot Expert Sign-off of Marks No need to print out “Marking forms with Aspects and marks” PDF available after the marks have been entered in to CIS. Can just compare hand written sheets to electronic copy of PDF. ES2016_MAT_PPT_CIS
Thank you! ES2016_MAT_PPT_CIS