Barnardo’s Core Presentation Slide No. 1 Saturday, 09 June 2018 Safeguarding Children and Young People from Sexual Exploitation Sarah-Jane Davies Missing CSE Advocate
Punter Historically these are terms that have been used in relation to young people and sex Pimp Prostitute
Barnardo’s Core Presentation Slide No. 3 Saturday, 09 June 2018 Saturday, 09 June 2018 The Reality Abused Child/Young Person Child Abuser Child Sex Offender 3
Professional Assumptions They’re beyond parental control They’re attracted to that sort of lifestyle Not being paid so not really exploited She just likes sex There’s no evidence that it’s happenning She’s consenting to it He’s exploring his sexualities They’re old enough to decide for themselves He’s her boyfriend anyway She is just promiscuous She’s just a prostitute/He’s just a rent boy
Child Sexual Exploitation Includes Abuse through exchange of sexual activity for some form of payment Abuse through the production of indecent images and/or other indecent material involving children whether photographs, films or other technologies Abuse through grooming via direct contact or by the use of technologies such as mobile phones, social media and the internet Abuse through trafficking for sexual purposes
Definition of Child Sexual Exploitation Barnardo’s Core Presentation Slide No. 6 Saturday, 09 June 2018 Definition of Child Sexual Exploitation Child sexual exploitation is the coercion or manipulation of children and young people into taking part in sexual activities. It is a form of sexual abuse involving an exchange of some form of payment which can include money, mobile phones and other items, drugs, alcohol, a place to stay, ‘protection’ or affection. The vulnerability of the young person and grooming process employed by perpetrators renders them powerless to recognise the exploitative nature of relationships and unable to give informed consent. Clutton and Coles, 2008) All Wales Protocol
Young Persons’ Definition of Child Sexual Exploitation
Models of Exploitation Barnardo’s Core Presentation Slide No. 8 Saturday, 09 June 2018 Models of Exploitation Peer Exploitation Drug Running Involvement & Gang Young People Trafficked Boyfriend Model Online Child Generated Explicit Imagery Street/Parlour Formal Based Party Model Hotels/ Flats
Barnardo’s Core Presentation Slide No. 9 Saturday, 09 June 2018 “Age 16 to 18 is a grey area?” Abuse of children through prostitution or pornography offences (Sections 47-50) Sexual Offences Act 2003 Children involved in prostitution are primarily victims of abuse and people who take advantage of them by exploiting them, are child abusers. The use of children in the sex industry is entirely unjustifiable. Sections 47-50 provide offences specifically to tackle the use of children in the sex industry, where a child is under 18 Key points A person is a child if under 18; Consent is not in issue. It does not matter if a child of 16 or 17 consents to the activity, it is those who exploit children who commit a criminal act; There is a defence that a person reasonably believed that the child was over 18. This does not apply if the child was under 13; A person is committing a criminal act if an indecent image of a child is recorded
Vulnerability factors What childhood experiences might make children more vulnerable to being targeted for child sexual exploitation?
Vulnerability factors child Family history of abuse or neglect Family history of domestic abuse Family history of substance misuse Family history of mental health Breakdown of family relationships Low self esteem Unsuitable/ Inappropriate accommodation Lack of protective/nurturing adult
How might victims of CSE present?
Why don’t victims of CSE disclose? Fear and threats Emotional ties/loyalty to the perpetrator – trauma bond Guilt/Shame – can feel complicit in their abuse Receipt of something they need/want Think they won’t be believed Don’t know where to go for help Prior negative reactions/experiences of services Don’t realise there is anything to report
Attitudes towards victims of sexual exploitation and sexual assault
Rotherham child abuse scandal: 'They thought they were dirty little slags' | Channel 4 News “A perception that a young person is troublesome, rather than troubled, can effect their credibility and influence whether that individual seeks help.” Major Investigation and Public Protection Responding to Child Sexual Exploitation – ACPO College of Policing Guidance 2013
Further resources Useful Links (National working group for CSE) (BLAST) (Information & support for parents/Carers) (YP & Professionals videos, cases investigated by Gwent Police) (Domestic abuse in teenage relationships) (Parents, YP & Professionals) (Online safety re:CSE)
Contact Details Sarah-Jane Davies Barnardo’s Missing Service Davian House Village Farm Ind Est., Pyle, Bridgend CF33 6BJ Telephone: 07734003743 Email: sarah-jane.davies@south-wales.pnn.police.