Ecology Mini Book Biology This template can be used as a starter file to give updates for project milestones. Sections Right-click on a slide to add sections. Sections can help to organize your slides or facilitate collaboration between multiple authors. Notes Use the Notes section for delivery notes or to provide additional details for the audience. View these notes in Presentation View during your presentation. Keep in mind the font size (important for accessibility, visibility, videotaping, and online production) Coordinated colors Pay particular attention to the graphs, charts, and text boxes. Consider that attendees will print in black and white or grayscale. Run a test print to make sure your colors work when printed in pure black and white and grayscale. Graphics, tables, and graphs Keep it simple: If possible, use consistent, non-distracting styles and colors. Label all graphs and tables.
Foldable Directions Step 1 Fold paper hamburger style Step 2 Fold paper hamburger style again Step 3 Fold paper hamburger style again. Open paper with four squares on each half and fold and hold up with fold at bottom Step 4 Cut folded sheet up through the fold at the bottom to the middle and stop Step 5 Open paper What is the project about? Define the goal of this project Is it similar to projects in the past or is it a new effort? Define the scope of this project Is it an independent project or is it related to other projects? * Note that this slide is not necessary for weekly status meetings
Foldable Directions Step 6 Fold hotdog style Step 7 Follow your teacher in the weird way fold. Step 8 After folding paper into your mini book, start numbering pages beginning on first inside page (1-6). Back page is left blank Duplicate this slide as necessary if there is more than one issue. This and related slides can be moved to the appendix or hidden if necessary.
Ecology Mini Book (Chapter 18) By: Write your name Front Cover What are the dependencies that affect the timeline, cost, and output of this project?
Page Information Complete each of the following pages using the outline below. Ecology is the study of … (see page 358 to complete the above sentence stem) ___________________ This makes me think about … (Use a real life connection.) Section 1: (Name of Section) This section is about… (Directions: Read all the blue headings and the first sentence of each section and write a 1 – 3 sentence summary in your own words about what you think the section is about using the above sentence stem.) Section 2: (Name of Section) Section 3: (Name of Section) Section 4: (Name of Section) Summary Complete the following sentence stem I found section (Name) about ___________ ___________ the most interesting because __________ _____________. I found the picture about _____________ the most interesting because …. What are the dependencies that affect the timeline, cost, and output of this project?
Ecology is the study of… (see page 358 to complete the above sentence stem) ___________________ This makes me think about … (Use a real life connection.) - Page 1 -
Section 1: (Name of Section) This section is about… (Directions: Read all the blue headings and the first sentence of each section and write a 2 – 5 sentence summary in your own words about what you think the section is about using the above sentence stem.) *Include one colored picture. - Page 2 -
Section 2: (Name of Section) This section is about… (Directions: Read all the blue headings and the first sentence of each section and write a 2 – 5 sentence summary in your own words about what you think the section is about using the above sentence stem.) *Include one colored picture. - Page 3 -
Section 3: (Name of Section) This section is about… (Directions: Read all the blue headings and the first sentence of each section and write a 2 – 5 sentence summary in your own words about what you think the section is about using the above sentence stem.) *Include one colored picture. - Page 4 -
Section 4: (Name of Section) This section is about… (Directions: Read all the blue headings and the first sentence of each section and write a 2 – 5 sentence summary in your own words about what you think the section is about using the above sentence stem.) *Include one colored picture. - Page 5 -
Summary Complete the following sentence stem: I found Section (Name) about ___________ ___________ the most interesting because __________ _____________. I found the picture about _____________ the most interesting because …. - Page 6 -