New Document JR-Logo (Use your initials) Defaults OK
Purpose At the conclusion of this exercise you will be able to: Utilize Pathfinder>Mode> Exclude to subtract shapes Rotate individual characters Kern Vertically align center Horizontally center objects smartguides
Ellipse/circle 1.38” Fill—any color (not black), no stroke, maybe red Could use Transform, or just click on the artboard and specify the values
Add initials---choose a sans serif font Choose Type tool and type “JR”: Use your initials then select the text Choose a bold 100pt sans serif. When use serif? Sans serif? Which one for Web? Print? What are serifs
Character Rotation Explain Be sure it’s on: If you don’t see the expanded Character panel, click to the left of the word Character in the control area.
Rotation Select the J using the Type tool Choose Character Rotation and set it to 30 degrees: You: Do similar for the “R”’ , minus 30 degrees Should look: …too far apart How do we move adjacent letters?
Kern: What does it do? By -100 Next: move letters on top of ellipse
Align Select both shapes Zoom in Center-Align the two letters horizontally and vertically Watch what happens
Exclude Want to delete what overlaps (the J and the S) Pathfinder>Mode>Alt-click >exclude
Cut out… Zoom in Q: What shape is on top? Text or ellipse? Open Pathfinder panel Find mode> Exclude overlap (The text overlaps the ellipse) The resulting color will be the color of the item on top object (The text…black) where overlap occurs, choose Alt-Exclude: Select both objects
Symbols Find Logo Elements library Drop person with child on the logo:
Center Center the person/child symbol and the ellipse And then do the Exclude again. Result:
New ellipse Any color No fill 2.3 x 2.3 Choose type on a path, 24 pt
Type on a path: Choose the Type on a path tool Make font be sans serif font /24 points Click on an path of the new circle Type “JR Foundation” (your initials)
Type on Path… Main bracket…move it and watch what happens
Center the text Slide the right-most bracket so the text is centered: (You may have to reselect the ellipse) Click away to : Rotation still on?
Move to Bottom Rotate the text around using bracket (This may not be necessary, mine didn’t)
Drag Result: Group all
Fill and stroke Is now a single shape (group) Fill with color of your choice: I chose cyan: Orange stroke , 2 pt (complementary colors)
Fill: Dark Blue:
Add a Pentagon Q: How many sides? Use Polygon tool…find it Dimensions: Radius 2.8” 5 sides …too big
Resize Use transform Use W:3 in H:2.85 in
Quicky Everlap Have a cr
Fixit Drag the polygon on top of logo It covers the logo…what’s the solution?
Align Centers Horizontal and vertical.
One more exclusion (Pathfinder) Select all, then: May have to ungroup, reselect, Exclude
Almost there…
Add Drop shadow…60% opacity Add a path using pencil tool Type: Logo by …your name, impact, 48 pt Crop Save to Web site