The Danish BoP questionnaires for enterprises other than MFI EU Twinning Project Support to the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics Activity A.6, Jerusalem, 8-11 July, 2013
BoP financial account - overview F I N A N C I A L I N S T R U M E N T DATA COLLECTION SCHEME FDI Portfolio Investments Financial Derivatives Loans and Deposits Foreign Reserve Monetary Financial Institutions X XX XXX XXX1) Security Central (VP) and custodians Danish bonds issued abroad Companies' direct reporting (BoP) 1) Including the Accounting Department of Danmarks Nationalbank
Companies’ direct reporting Monthly reporting Yearly reporting Integrated reporting model
Integrated reporting model Opening stock +/- transactions +/- revaluations +/- other changes = Closing stock Reporting at most detailed level Single investment level (asset as well as liability) Country Industry Currency + information about owner ship structure + business register information
Shares and other equity (monthly)
Excel-sheets and electronical reporting!OpenDocument