A Publisher’s Perspective RDMF16, Edinburgh 21-22 September 2016
Publishing Consequence of technological innovations Requiring a rethink Q: What are publishers for? ‘Opportunities for Data Exchange: Report on Integration between Data and Publications’ 2011. Reilly et al
Sample responses…… Publishing Data Interest Group and Working Groups (new IG on data policies currently forming Best practices in Publishing of Data December 2012 Supporting information Some industry level responses. What is data publishing? Who does it? Enriching? Learned Societies AGU/COPDESS Force11/Data Citation Early Adopters Scholix Data2Paper Data Lighthouse Best Practice Guidelines, Directory of Repositories, Sample Author and Grantee Instructions, Statement of Commitment
Force11/Data Citation Early Adopters Operationalising the Joint Declaration of Data Citation Principles Article in preparation: ‘A Data Citation Roadmap for Scientific Publishers’ Co-author affiliations include Elsevier, Springer Nature, PLoS, elife, Jisc (contributions from DataCite, Crossref, NIH…) Includes links to training materials for a number of roles, sample tagging, citation styles. Open group – anyone can join and go on to the website
A Framework for SCHOlarly Link eXchange Initially a WDS-RDA Publishing Data Working Group (Publishing Services) Just starting second WG phase – can sign up on Research Data Alliance site (need to be an RDA member but this is free) Collaboration between OpenAIRE, Elsevier, ANDS, Crossref, DataCite, Springer Nature, PANGAEA, STM Association, CHORUS, IEDA, ICPSR The framework aims for a seamless exchange of information about literature and related data Facilitates re-use, reproducibility, and transparent evaluation of science. Consists of a conceptual and information model, with standards, guidelines and options for encoding and exchange protocols. Need a diagram and/further explanation here
Data2Paper Jisc Research Data Spring Neil Jefferies (PI, Bodleian Libraries), Thomas Ingraham & Holly Murray (F1000Research) and Anusha Ranganathan (Digital Nest)
The App Researcher logs in to app via institutional repository Automated data paper compilation within the research space (no journal submission systems) Article packages submitted to publisher system via SWORD If published, ORCID updates the researcher’s record Feedback, UI/UX work Researchers – domain and social factors Outreach and trials Sustainable long-term strategy All suggestions welcome!
Screenshots Demo video available on Youtube Webinar/telecon can be arranged
DATA LIGHTHOUSE - service for Research Institutes to proactively engage with their institutional authors in the RDM space Why? Institutes need to comply with the data management policies and manage their research output effectively Low adoption of data sharing practices by researchers Finite means for engaging with researchers in the RDM space Lack of monitoring and reporting What? Service for Research Institutes to engage with researchers, train and guide them through the research data life cycle. How? Reaching out and following up with institutional authors at the moment their research articles get published to: Check if data sharing solutions associated already Offer solutions to store, share, link and publish data Monitor progress and follow up with reminders Provide monthly reporting Research article published Initial inquiry Share, publish and link data Monitor progress and provide guidance Generate reports 111110 00011 1101110 0000 001 10011 1 011100101 DATA LIGHTHOUSE
A proactive approach to help researchers adopt data sharing tools Check adoption of: Data deposited Data linked Data curated Data reviewed and published as a data article A new article is published by a researcher from your institution X A new dataset is added by a researcher to the repository Example Project outcome Proactively contact authors to post datasets with already published articles, increase visibility and quality of research data. Data conservation Identify articles from institutional researchers without associated research data Proactively contact and motivate researcher to store, link and publish their datasets Data visibility Identify datasets from institutional researchers without publication Pro-actively contact and motivate researchers to curate data, publish (data) article or link to the article if already available. Input from development partners Contact details of researchers Agreement on messages sent to researchers EXPLORATION PHASE (Explore available paths forward) Objective is to show the options available to monetize the opportunity Educate the audience by providing background information about the issue Provide background information about the issue, aimed at enabling researchers to build hypothesis on how to solve it. There should be NO talk about (Elsevier) products, features or benefits, no demo!
Happy to talk about: Force11 Data Citation Scholix Research Data Alliance Data2Paper Data Lighthouse (Anything else….) Fiona Murphy fionalm27@gmail.com @DrFionalm