Optimizing Android apps for desktop experience Victor Okunev |Developer Evangelist Samsung Electronics v.okunev@samsung.com
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Why mobile desktop? plus Availability plus Productivity We all love our mobile devices. Why? Because of their instant availability. But do we use them when we need to perform a real work? No, because we need something with larger screen, a physical keyboard and a mouse and a multi-window OS. Why? Because this way we can be more productive. As you can imagine combining the two experiences requires innovations in both, the OS and the mobile devices.
Android goes multi-window Starting with API level 24 Pop-up view vs split screen view. Which one is less usable on the small screen? Google adds the multi-window capability to the Android OS. But does it solve the productivity issue?
Bridging the gap "The rest" means DeX station, Galaxy S8, S8+, Note 8 devices, custom launcher The aim is not to replace the notebooks, but provide a new experience to mobile users.
Android desktop UX is born! Desktop-like Home Screen Multiple resizable application windows Mouse for navigation Familiar keyboard shortcuts
Desktop experience on mobile? I believe it when I see it! Following demos: Amazon Workspaces (DaaS) and Citrix XenDesktop (VDI) Resizable app windows Standard drag and drop of text Custom drag and drop of textual files (code) Standard keyboard shortcuts Custom keyboard shortcuts (code) Keyboard + mouse interactions (code) Manifest declaration for multi-window support (code) App development with AIDE Video playing in the background activity
Get your apps ready for desktop A desktop app vs a mobile app on the desktop Optimize your apps for: Extra screen space Freely resizable activities Mouse navigation Physical keyboard
New tech, proven best practices Support multiple screen sizes Use dp, alternative layouts and drawables Handle runtime configuration changes Resizing, maximizing, docking/undocking Be smart about onPause() Use configuration qualifiers <resources_name>-desk,-mdpi DeX doesn't use any proprietary APIs! Minimizing the app doesn’t cause a runtime configuration change.
You'll need this for the quiz! Samsung DeX station 2 USB ports Ethernet port HDMI-out port FHD (1920×1080) Supported devices Samsung Galaxy S8, S8+ and Note 8 Also, all the security features of Samsung Knox work in DeX mode.
Resources for the developers https://developer.android.com/guide/topics/ui/multi-window.html http://developer.samsung.com/samsung-dex A well-written documentation by my colleagues from Vancouver!
Q&A and The Quiz Questions? Let's give away a DeX station! https://play.kahoot.it/#/k/1491d049-e2ed-4b04-95d0-b9b6c2c1cbcf