Miss Good, Mrs.Krasnodembski, and Mrs. Smith 2016-2017 3rd Grade Opening Day Miss Good, Mrs.Krasnodembski, and Mrs. Smith 2016-2017
Word Study Vocabulary Workshop-Word study program focused on expanding vocabulary Words Their Way- Spelling program focused on mastering spelling patterns through sorts and writing practice
Writing 5 Steps of the Writing Process Complete Sentences with Proper Capitalization and Punctuation Developing multi-paragraph writing Writing Application opinion, informative/explanatory, narrative, friendly letters, journaling, responding to literature, writing across the curriculum, and research papers.
Reading CAFE: Reading strategies taught to help with comprehension, word accuracy, fluency, and expanding vocabulary Focus on Fiction and Non-Fiction Text; structure, purpose, evidence, and personal responses to text Study Literary Genres Reading 80 minutes per week
Math Stepping Stones Number Talks –mental math Math Groups Pre-Test Monitor progress with check-ins Post-Tests Skills to Work on at Home Telling time to the nearest minute Basic +, -, X, ÷ math facts Strategies to Solve a Word Problem
Health, Science, & Social Studies School Safety Nutrition Bones & Muscles Science Inquiry Life Science: Life Cycles Earth Science: Rocks & Minerals Physical Science: States of Matter Social Studies Communities and Culture Geography- Maps & Globes Economics Local Government
Each week your child should read 80 minutes. Sent home on Monday: Homework Reading Each week your child should read 80 minutes. Sent home on Monday: Close reading passage (due Friday) Vocabulary Practice (not returned, quiz every other week) Monthly Book Report Math Math practice is sent home as needed and due the next day. Extra Students may have additional assignments in content areas. Check assignment book daily.
Extra practice with online programs: Students will have access to certain online programs designed at home. These programs include: www.stmath.com www.raz-kids.com
Refer to packet for language arts and math grade level benchmarks. Grades 5 Exceeds – Is extending or deepening application. 4 Meets- Is secure in grade level standards. 3 Progressing – Requires support and/or intervention in grasping standards. 2 Below- Requires support and/or intervention in grasping standards. Extra help needed at home (tutor). Benchmarks Refer to packet for language arts and math grade level benchmarks. Testing AIR: Fall Reading: Spring Math: MAP: Fall, Winter, & Spring Report Cards Report cards are accessed on INFINITE CAMPUS at the end of each trimester. Make sure your contact and medical information is updated on Infinite Campus.
Volunteers Work with students, do prep work, hang up displays, class parties, and field trips (2 in the spring) Volunteer Badge- get from the Worthington Education Center Science Inquiry supply donations