Lesson 3 Alcohol and Safety: Notes Chapter 25: Alcohol Lesson 3 Alcohol and Safety: Notes
Dangers of Binge Drinking Alcohol poisoning – blood alcohol level reaches about 400 milligrams per deciliter (4 X the legal limit) which can affect the brain’s ability to control breathing. Death can occur from respiratory failure
Traits of an Alcoholic Pre – occupied with alcohol Can’t control actions or words when drinking Can’t manage stress without drinking Personality changes when drinking Memory lapses
Cost to Family Domestic violence Codependency Destroys relationships
Stages of Alcoholism Social Drinking – becomes necessary to drink to deal with stress physical and psychological dependence occurs short term memory loss may occur drinker makes excuses and tries to rationalize their behavior
Stages of Alcoholism Can’t stop drinking physical dependence may drink alone and everyday drink early in the day physical and mental problems makes excuses performance declines the body develops a tolerance so more alcohol is needed to get that high
Stages of Alcoholism Alcohol becomes the most important thing in their life, may develop hallucinations, aggression, and isolation. Malnutrition, reverse tolerance (less alcohol is needed to cause being drunk)
Cost to Society Traffic crashes that cause property damage Rehabilitation costs Job performance Insurance companies