Connector Accessories “De-Mystified” Interconnect Seminar: Connector Accessories “De-Mystified” Glenair Factory Accessory Team: Mike Wofford, Jim Plessas, Nestor Fuertes, and Ty Geverink
Glenair’s Core Business: Connector Accessories Full-Spectrum Product Lines: No Gaps Every Mil-Spec slash sheet Every material type Every plating option For every connector in use Domestic production only 85,000+ Same-Day inventory
Common Interconnect Problems and Backshell Solutions What do Backshells Do? Common Interconnect Problems and Backshell Solutions Problem Solution Environmental Damage Cable Sealing Backshells Electromagnetic Interference EMI/RFI Shield (Screen) Termination Backshells Mechanical Damage to Conductors Strain-Relief Backshells Mechanical Damage to Pins and Threads Protective Covers and Boots Connector-to-Cable Routing Issues Multiple Angle and Profile Backshells
Shield Termination Backshells Selection based on ease of assembly, reliability and attenuation Mil-Spec Conical Ring Type Crimp Rings and Bands TAG Rings Commercial Designs: Integrated Shield Socks Magnaforming Tinel Lock-Rings Compression Springs Broader Range of Single and Multiple Conical Rings Types
Environmental (Submersible) Backshell Designs All Glenair Backshells Available with Cable Sealing Glands Fully submersible when equipped with impervious jacketed cables Compression design features resilient grommet and backshell counterbore
Innovation: Composite Swing-Arm Strain-Relief Light Weight - Corrosion Free - Three-in-One Straight, 45° and 90° Integrated EMI/RFI Shield Sock Self-Locking Coupling Nut Optional Composite Braid (319-065) Electroless Nickel Shield Termination and Interface No-Braid Version (627-122)
Band-it Shield Termination System By far the most popular EMI shield termination system Adapters are M85049/82 thru /90 and Glenair Series 440 (more choices) No welding, soldering, crimping or magna-forming required--fully field repairable shield terminations Fast, highly reliable terminations virtually eliminate EMI leakage and pass severe shock, vibration and thermal tests “One size fits all” tool and band design provides unmatched flexibility No M/S callout used on bands/tools. All part numbers start with “600” Ex: 600-052
Dust Caps, Protective Covers and Dummy Stowage Receptacles Front End Protection of De-Mated Connectors MS slash sheets tied to each individual mating connector Material choice should match connector material and finish Select optional ring attachments (for cables and panels), and lanyard material and length. Mil Spec part numbers include: MS25042, MS25043, MS17350, MS17349, MS90564, MS90563, MS3180, MS3181, MS27501, MS27502, MS27510, MS27511, D38999/32, /33; M28840/15, /13; M83723/59-1, /59-2, /60-1, /60-2
Series 77 “Full Nelson” Shrink Boots Rugged, Reliable Environmental Protection Semi-rigid heat-shrinkable boots offer excellent electrical, mechanical and environmental protection Rugged, Flame-retardant elastomeric material Resistant to high temperature and chemicals Option for NES smoke and toxicity compliance Straight or right angle Wide range of sizes and shapes for circular and rectangular connectors No special tooling required Heat shrink boots and other molded shapes offer fast and easy protection of terminations and transitions and are a common addition to a wide range of cable construction types including open-loom wire harnesses and backshell equipped jacketed cables. Made of flame-retardant elastomeric resistant to high temperatures and chemical exposure, boots are produced for both straight and angled cable entries in a wide range of sizes. The range of possible boot shapes is almost limitless and can accommodate both circular and rectangular connectors as well as multi-branch fittings.
Standard Boot Materials
MS Backshell Part Number Development Step 1. Specification (AS85049) Step 2. Slash Sheet (Function of the Part and Connector it Fits) Step 3. Dash Number (Size) Step 4. Finish
Step (2): The Key is the “Slash Sheet” Use the Glenair Wall Chart to Select Most Common MS Backshells and Accessories Slash Sheets Slash Sheet Selection Determines the Function of the Part and What Connector Series it Fits
Overview of Glenair Commercial Accessory Part Number Systems Glenair Legacy: Original “G” Part Numbers New Product Code/Product Series System 310 – Shrink Boot Adapters 360 - Non-Environmental Strain-Reliefs 370 - Environmental Strain Reliefs 380 - Non-Environmental EMI/RFI Backshells 390 - Environmental EMI/RFI Backshells 440 - Banding and Crimp Ring Adapters 450 - Qwik-Ty Strain Reliefs 660 – Protective Covers 770 – Shrink Boots
Series 360, 370, 380 and 390 Backshells Series 360 Non-Environmental Strain-Relief Backshell Series 370 Environmental Strain-Relief Backshell Popular cone-and-ring technology simplifies termination of individually shielded conductors within the cable. Choose from a range of environmental and EMI protection levels. Series 380 EMI/RFI Non-Environmental Backshell Series 390 EMI/RFI Environmental Backshell
Glenair Commercial Backshell Part Number Structure Product Series Connector Designator Angle and Profile Basic Part Number Finish Symbol Shell Size Cable Diameter Strain Relief Style Length of Part Other: Drain holes, attachment lengths, special modifications
Overview: Building Commercial Accessory Part Numbers From Scratch “What backshell part number should I use for this connector?” Select Series based on main required function Select “Basic Part Number” based on additional required features Use the “Connector Designator” to Indicate the series of connector the backshell is for Select “Angle and Profile based on routing requirements Flesh out other variables manually or use “QwikCreate” on-line
Step (1): Select Series Based on Function Environmental Backshell Strain Relief Clamp Protective Cover EMI Banding Backshell EMI/RFI Backshell
(2) Select “Basic Part Number” Based on Additional Requirements/Features NOTE: Use the Series and Basic Part Number Combination (XXX-XXX) when searching on web
(3) Select “Connector Designator” Based on the Connector Series the Part is For HINT: Just Memorize the Common Designators
(4) Select the “Angle and Profile” Based on Cable Routing Requirements HINT: Again, just memorize the most common codes
(5) Select Other Variables Manually or… Use QwikCreate QwikCreate: Internet-Based Automated Part Number Development The remaining variables (finish, size, etc.) are all straightforward. Either use the catalog or finish out the part number with QwikCreate: Generate printable document with all relevant dimensional data Link to catalog page for additional information Automatically select for Style 2 cable entry
Rectangular Backshells Use The Same System and Logic MIL-C-24308 MIL-C-81659 MIL-C-83733 ARINC Series 600 MIL-DTL-83513 Cannon Series 400 MIL-C-83527/A
More Ways to Insure You End Up with the Right Part Helpful Tips More Ways to Insure You End Up with the Right Part Use Part Number Index to Match Part Number and Catalog Page Use Part Number Reference to Cross MS Numbers to Glenair Commercial Series Parts Use site search and Product Selection Guides to quickly locate relevant information Use Same-Day Inventory Search for Availability Use NSN Cross Reference for government accounts
Importance of Understanding What the Connector Part Numbers Mean Too Interconnect Components All Go Together If you can determine the connector series, size and plating…. You can easily match it to an appropriate accessory But mismatched parts = trouble Potential for incorrect fit, dissimilar plating, or other problems
The Glenair Same-Day Inventory “I Need it Yesterday” The Glenair Same-Day Inventory Search it yourself On-Line Call for a stock check if necessary All stock items are “subject to prior sale.” Same-day system now holds over 85,000 part numbers