Welcome to Back to School Night for Mrs. Osborne’s 3rd grade class!
1st Trimester
Language Arts We will be Completing Units 1 Government and Citizenship and Unit 2 Character in our new Benchmark Language Arts Curriculum. In addition, we will be reading a core literature book called Molly’s Pilgrim, about a young Jewish immigrant who is having trouble adjusting to her new life in America and her first Thanksgiving when her mother makes her a unique Pilgrim doll.
Language Arts We also all get to learn how to write opinion paragraphs!
Math In Math we will continue using Common Core. It will help us be college and career ready when we graduate from high school. We get to use manipulatives and talk a lot about Math. Math Mastery tests have been replaced with two fluency assessments: addition and subtraction to 1,000 and multiplying and dividing numbers through 100
Math During the first trimester we will study Meanings of Multiplication and Division: 5’s and 2’s, Patterns and Strategies 9’s and 10’s, Strategies for Factors and Products 3’s and 4’s, Multiply with 1 and 0. Additionally, we will work on Cognitive Guided Instruction (CGI)
Social Studies In Social Studies, 3rd graders will be reading units 4, 1-2. We will learn about Citizenship, Government, Working for Freedom, Laws and Rules. California’s 4 Regions, Land and Water in our Area, Natural Resources, California Indians Past and Present, Europeans,
Science We get to use the Foss Science kits for experiences with The Sun, Moon, and Stars!
The End of 1st Trimester The end of the 1st trimester is October 27th. Reports cards will be given to you at your parent conference with Mrs. Osborne on November 15th, 16th, or 17th
2nd Trimester
Language Arts Third graders will complete Unit 3 Life Science, Unit 4 Point of View, Unit 5 Technology and Society, and begin Unit 6 Theme in our Benchmark Curriculum. We will learn to write narrative paragraphs.
Language Arts We will also be reading the core literature books George Washington’s Breakfast. George Washington’s Breakfast is about a little boy, George W. Allen who shares his name and his birthday with George Washington. He knows many facts about George W., but he wants to know more. One day he decides he wants to know what George W. had for breakfast. In addition, we will read Velveteen Rabbit.
Math (Houghton Mifflin) 3rd graders will learn to Multiply 6, 7, and 8’s, Problem Solving with Multiples of 10, Length, Capacity, Weight and Mass, Time and Date, Pictographs, Bar Graphs, and Line Plots, CGI will continue!
Social Studies In Social Studies, 3rd graders will complete Unit 3. Topics will include: Settlers in Our Region, Growth of Our Region, and Our Community Over Time.
Science 2nd trimester Science will involve hands on Foss Science kits on Matter and Energy for the 3rd graders. 2nd trimester ends March 2nd
3rd Trimester
Language Arts (Houghton Mifflin) Finishing up our Benchmark curriculum, we will complete Unit 7 History and Culture, Unit 8 Earth Science, Unit 9 Economics, And Unit 10 Physical Science Our Writing Genre will be Informational Paragraphs We will all be given the District Writing Prompt.
Language Arts We each get to read a pig story!! 3rd graders will read Charlotte’s Web , a wonderful story of love between a spider and a pig! We will make Charlotte’s Web pillows and have a Country Fair!
Math CGI continues Our studies will include Place Value and Rounding, Addition and Subtraction Strategies, and Group to Add, Ungroup to Subtract, Types of Word Problems, Solve Two-Step Word Problems, Analyzing Triangles and Quadrilaterals, Area and Perimeter, Fraction Concepts, Equivalent Fractions.
Social Studies Our class will finish their text book by learning about Resources, Goods, Schools, and Economy in Our Region from Unit 5.
Science Science for the 3rd grade will involve the study of structures of Life getting more hands on experiences with the Foss Science kits.
Homework Homework is sent home 4 nights a week. It is due the next day. Homework is a follow-up to a skill or theme we are studying in class. Students are encouraged to read 20 minutes each night. Homework expectations for 3rd graders are 30 minutes per night. Please check our website weekly to help us keep on track!
Field Trips 3rd graders will go to the Citrus State National Park to learn about how our community started As well as a visit to the Yorba Linda Library In addition we will visit the Columbia Memorial Space Center in Downey
GATE Test will be given in October COGAT Test GATE Test will be given in October
I hope you enjoyed the presentation and learned a lot about the “Oz-some” year we’re going to have! Question Time