Student Meeting Jose Luis Sirvent PhD. Student 27/01/2014 Beam Secondary Shower Acquisition System: System Planning and developments to do Student Meeting Jose Luis Sirvent PhD. Student 27/01/2014
1.An Schematic of the desired final system with GBTx Initial Board with QIE10 Power Supply 12V DC/DC 5V DC/DC 3.3V DC/DC 1.5V DC/DC 2.5V CMOS (3.3V) CLK SLVS @ 40Mhz CImode Switch Switches Switches QIE10 A SRin Mode [0:3] I2C Address [0:3] MAX9179 SRck Out [0:7] LVDS @ 80Mhz SRload GBTx Reset SLVS @ 80Mhz Connector I2C SRreset I2C [0:3] MAX9376 SRread QIE10 SC-Read LVDS [0:1] SRout MAX9179 MAX9112 SRout CLK SLVS @ 40Mhz SRreset QIE10 B SRread 2.5V (VccRx=VccTx) Out [0:7] LVDS @ 80Mhz I2C Rd Td CImode SRin VTRx MAX9179 SRck Reset SLVS @ 80Mhz SRload MAX9376 QIE10 SC-Write SLVS [0:9]
1.An Schematic of the desired final system with GBTx Front-End & Back-End architecture (Different options for FE module) TTC GBTx ASIC Not available up to now! In Q3 2014 we’ll have some Needed to implement GBT protocol Arria V Igloo2 SFP+ NEW VFC VME FMC Carrier Board BOBR VME Board Ethernet SFP+ FMC Connector FPGA Arria V Clk_bunch Clk_Turn Clk_Events Back plane VME64 Connector Back plane VME64 Connector SFP+ SFP+ Memory Memory SFP+ SFP+ Front-End #2 Front-End #1 AD41240 Versatile Link VTTr -6dB Versatile Link VTTr +34dB Data QIE10 A AD 12Bits Filter Shaper -26dB Control -12dB QIE10 B AD 12Bits Filter Shaper GBTx&GBT-SCA Or Igloo2 FPGA GBTx&GBT-SCA Or Igloo2 FPGA Data Selection Logic DC -32dB AD 12Bits AD 12Bits Filter Shaper CLK CLK DC AD 12Bits
Conversion Module modified for VTRx 1. Initial Developments with Igloo2 1.1 GBT protocol implementation and testing in Igloo2 Fibre Optic TTC, Data, Control Monitoring PC Hitech Global SMA To SFP/SFP+ Conversion Module modified for VTRx Igloo2 Development board with GBTx firmware emulation Motivation: The outcome of this tests would be to verify the usability of Igloo2 as GBT driver on Front-Ends. The system should be designed in a way that the same Igloo2 emulates two separated systems. Tasks: 1. Contact Hitech Global to verify module availability, compatibility and possible modification for VTRx’s 2. Contact Tullio Grassi & others to find GBT firmware for Igloo2, otherwise development in Igloo2 needed based on other FPGA’s from GBT-FPGA. 3. Once Implemented ,the GBT link should be evaluated in terms of BER, Timing and synchronization, Eye diagram…
But relatively simple layout Conversion Module modified for VTRx 1. Initial Developments with Igloo2 1.1 GBT protocol implementation and testing in Igloo2 Not so nice… Price ~ 490$ But relatively simple layout Do it ourselves? Original Price 399$ Price for us 99 $ !! We save 300$ !! Fibre Optic TTC, Data, Control Monitoring PC Hitech Global SMA To SFP/SFP+ Conversion Module modified for VTRx Igloo2 Development board with GBTx firmware emulation Motivation: The outcome of this tests would be to verify the usability of Igloo2 as GBT driver on Front-Ends. The system should be designed in a way that the same Igloo2 emulates two separated systems. Tasks: 1. Contact Hitech Global to verify module availability, compatibility and possible modification for VTRx’s 2. Contact Tullio Grassi & others to find GBT firmware for Igloo2, otherwise development in Igloo2 needed based on other FPGA’s from GBT-FPGA. 3. Once Implemented ,the GBT link should be evaluated in terms of BER, Timing and synchronization, Eye diagram…
Conversion Module modified for VTRx 1. Initial Developments with Igloo2 1.2 GBT protocol implementation in Back-End module and initial communication testing Monitoring PC Fibre Optic TTC, Data, Control VFC Board Or Arria V Dev. Kit Monitoring PC Back-End module Hitech Global SMA To SFP/SFP+ Conversion Module modified for VTRx Igloo2 Development board with GBTx firmware emulation Motivation: The aim of this test would be to finish with the interface Front-End <-> Back-End, issues such as the synchronization of the front-end with the LHC clock is to be addressed. Tasks: 1. The Back-End board has to be available or at least a development board to simulate the VFC board. 2. We’ll need some support/development in the Back-end side to implement the GBT protocol in an Arria V or VFC board 3. The communicacion will be tested with long links ~200m and the synchronization of both sides will be studied as well as BER. At the end of this task the GBT protocol in both sides has to be completelly implemented, tested & guaranteed.
1. Initial Developments with Igloo2 1 1. Initial Developments with Igloo2 1.3 Interface the QIE10 Asics with the FPGA Power Pulse Generator QIE10 A SMA Connector Pulse Generator QIE10 B SMA Laboratory Equipment Monitoring PC QIE10 Test Board Needed to be developed Igloo2 Development board with GBTx firmware emulation Motivation: The outcome of this task is the development of a QIE10 board to interface with the FPGA, the QIE10 control, initialization sequence and synchronization will be embedded on the FPGA code. Tasks: 1. We have to get some QIE10 for our tests (Availability??) 2. Again it will be necessary to get some information from Tulio or other experiments regarding the QIE10 & Igloo2 connectivity & firmware, otherwise VHDL development will be necessary. 3. The development of a QIE10 board is mandatory in order to test the interface (schematics should be provided and a board has to be fabricated). So far, there are no existing QIE10 dev boards. 4. Once fabricated the boards, each chanel has to be calibrated (a calibration table is needed to compensate QIE10 imperfections)
1. Initial Developments with Igloo2 1 1. Initial Developments with Igloo2 1.4 pCVD, splitting system & QIE10 digitalization Power Passive Splitting System Coax Cable 50 ohm (1-10m) QIE10 A SMA pCVD Connector QIE10 B Cividec Module SMA RF Resistive network Monitoring PC QIE10 Test Board Needed to be developed Igloo2 Development board with GBTx firmware emulation Motivation: The outcome of these tests would be to test the that splitting chain of the pCVD performs well (mainly based on RF components and a resistive network) and that the QIE10 digitalization is well controled and interfaced with the Igloo2 FPGA. The noise levels or pedestrials are to be measured and the front-end scheme validated for final use on the tunnels. Tasks: 1. We have to buy/get a pCVD module from Cividec for system testing and noise measurements on the very front-end (splitting system) 2. Initial testing would be done with a radiation source on the pCVD side and interfaced with the QIE10 board for system 3. For possible tests without radiation source the pcvd could be substituted by a pulse generator (less realistic results)
1. Initial Developments with Igloo2 1 1. Initial Developments with Igloo2 1.5 Complete test assembly for Proof of concept evaluation QIE10 A Power Connector B SMA Coax Cable 50 ohm (1-10m) QIE10 Test Board Needed to be developed Passive Splitting System Monitoring PC pCVD Cividec Module VFC Board Or Arria V Dev. Kit RF Resistive network Igloo2 Development board with GBTx firmware emulation Motivation: The final proof-of-concept can be evaluated by using this assembly. The Igloo2 in this case could be configured to act purely as a GBTx asic, this way the system could be suitable to work with Igloo2 or GBTx in case of change for final board. Tasks: The system has to be configured to work in a complete assembly by using the knowledge from the previous tasks. The set-up should be done in a way to make possible Igloo2-> GBTx migration. Final tests and evaluation has to be done in with the assembly for system demonstration At this point a decision could be done regarding the FPGA usage or the development of a compact board with GBTx.
Compact Front-End Board VME FMC Carrier Board (VFC) 1. Initial Developments with Igloo2 1.6 Development of a compact board for BWS pCVD diamond detector readout TTC SFP+ NEW VFC VME FMC Carrier Board BOBR VME Board Ethernet SFP+ FMC Connector FPGA Arria V Clk_bunch Clk_Turn Clk_Events Power Back plane VME64 Connector Back plane VME64 Connector VTRx SFP+ Passive Splitting System QIE10 A SMA Fibre Optic TTC Data Control SFP+ pCVD Igloo2 Or GBTx Memory Memory SFP+ QIE10 B SMA Cividec Module SFP+ RF Resistive network Compact Front-End Board Needed to be developed VME FMC Carrier Board (VFC) Back-End VME Crate Motivation: Finally the last part of the project would be the development and testing of a very simple and compact board containing the Rad-Hard or Rad-Tol components. Tasks: The QIE10 development board previously done has to be extended house the FPGA (or GBTx) and VTRx in the same board. Extensive testing has to be done in this board to guarantee that the performance reached in the development kits is repeated in this version. Radiation studies are also important to characterize the complete radiation hardness of the board and identify failures. This system could be installed in paralel with an operational BWS PMT & Scintillator system to crossvalidate performances.
2. Alternatives to QIE10, plan B? High Dynamic range but not so nice… FE-Readout Technology Cum_Dose Din_Range Integ_ADC Fs Contact Info QIE10 350nm SiGe 400Gy -3KGy 3.1fC-320pC 1e5 Yes / 8bits 40Mhz J.Mans (CMS) Link EasiRoc 160fC-320pC 2e3 No --- S.Callier (Omega) Fatalic3 IBM 130nm 24fC-1000pC 4e4 N.Pillet (LCF) PACIFIC 750fC-30pC 40 Yes / 6bits IBMS ASIC 300Gy 1e3 ICECAL2 SiGe BiCMOS 0.35um 4e3 E. Picatoste (UB)