Capgemini SAP Challenge 6: Party2AllParties Demand Driven Supply Chain
Greater efficiency, lower costs, better service provision, better and more transparent planning, more rapid throughput times, fewer mistakes and optimal re-use of information. ETA of ships not updated until docking in Terminal Logistical partner is waiting due to unloading ETA of 1-10 hours Buyer cannot sell due to lack info on ETA of container Due to data silos, optimizing supply chain is not possible
Digital World Physical World
Independend Container data hub Centralized distribution of Container data Single source of truth for Container data Transparant supply chain All data available for analytics No more sub optimization
Digital Container Condition aware Connected Intelligent Responsive Digital Container is equipped with a M2M communication device that enables interaction and information exchange with other cyber-physical objects (Ship/Truck/Terminal) Digital Container is equipped with sensors that enable access to condition information (Position on route, Position on ship) Smart Solutions Intelligent Responsive Digital Container is equipped with control technology tat enables autonomous product adaption based on internal or external commands (Unlock) Digital Container is equipped with computing power that enables self-optimizing processes (ETA’s) Data Platform Application
Lack of visibility across supply chain Make Container data leading One data hub for Container data created Centralized data redistribution Next step: Incorporate demand in to chain to create demand driven supply chain Synchronization of end-to-end processes All supply chain players have the same data source for Container data Next step: Register height on ship to predict of load time Forecast accuracy / Demand variability Based on the accumulated data, we will create ETA’s for all supply chain players Next step: Use analytics to do forecasting on historical data
Demand Driven Supply Chain Digital Container Optimize Supply Cain Demand Driven Supply Chain Data Future State Link Real time Customs data Real time data hub Link Real time Trucking data Create Data model container Connect buyer Link external data Link Real time Terminal data Visualize demand Create Data model terminal Optimize supply chain Create Data model customs Create Data model trucking Setup Chain analytics Visualize Supply chain Link other physical entities Connect Trucking Connect Shipper Connect Terminals Connect Customs Connect Forwarder Setup Sharing protocol Visualize container Setup security protocol Platform Setup platform Setup independend entity Current State Application