LG1: The Industrial Environment David Holmes AGM, Tuesday 28th May 2013
LG1: The Industrial Environment Why a new edition? Last published in 1989 Changes in legislation Changes in fixtures Changes in light sources LG1: The Industrial Environment
LG1: The Industrial Environment Changes in legislation EN12464 – Part 1 Introduction of task area, surrounding area and background area Minimum uniformity Cylindrical Illuminance LG1: The Industrial Environment
LG1: The Industrial Environment Changes in legislation BSEN 5266 Emphasis on illuminance of controls in plant rooms, kitchens etc. Use of Risk Assessments LG1: The Industrial Environment
LG1: The Industrial Environment Changes in legislation Building Regulations Part L Increase in efficacy requirements Legal requirement LG1: The Industrial Environment
LG1: The Industrial Environment Changes in Fixtures Luminaire design Increase in efficacy requirements of existing luminaires New fixtures for new light sources LG1: The Industrial Environment
LG1: The Industrial Environment Changes in Light Sources LEDs Induction lamps Metal Halide lamps LG1: The Industrial Environment
LG1: The Industrial Environment Why a new edition? Updated layout Changes in legislation Changes in fixtures Changes in light sources LG1: The Industrial Environment
LG1: The Industrial Environment David Holmes AGM, Tuesday 28th May 2013